Six Pack ABS Exercises

Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Get Abs - 3 Stellar Six Pack Secrets

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Everyone nowadays wants to know how to get abs.

The problem is, most people make some major mistakes in the process of trying to figure out how to get abs.

This article will show you what the 3 major mistakes are and how to avoid them.

3 Major Mistakes People Makes When Trying to Figure out How to Get Abs

MISTAKE #1: Doing hundreds of crunches.

When most people try to learn how to get abs, they first thing they think of is doing hundreds of crunches everyday.

The idea behind this is that if you want to get abs, you work the muscle underneath the fat.

The problem with this approach is that it is based upon a false myth known as "spot reduction". This refers to what was just mentioned about losing fat by working the muscle underneath it. Unfortunately, spot reduction is not a great way to get abs. If you want to lose fat, you need to lose overall body fat that is not localized in one specific area.

SOLUTION: Instead of trying to get abs by doing hundreds of crunches, try doing more resistance training. Resistance training is great because it adds lean muscle mass all over your body. This will help you get abs because it will raise your overall metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the more calories your body burns while active and at rest. So, resistance is a great addition in your effort for how to get abs!

MISTAKE #2: Crash dieting.

This is another mistake in the process of figuring out how to get abs. A lot of people who want to lose body fat try to do it by eating as little as possible, hoping that it will result in the loss of body fat.

Crash dieting will make you lose weight in the short term, but will not help you permanently lose fat.

There is a big difference! If you lose weight, that means that you are losing muscle mass, water weight, and maybe a little bit of fat.

If you lose fat, then you are preserving your muscle mass and water weight, and dropping pure body fat.

SOLUTION: Instead of crash dieting to get abs, try eating 4-6 small meals per day of high quality protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. By eating these smaller meals, you help to regulate your blood sugar.

If you eat a big meal, your blood sugar spikes very high. Then, your body releases insulin to stores the excess blood sugar as fat. If you eat these high quality foods and eat them in smaller portions, your blood sugar will stay more level. If you want to know how to get abs through diet, then this is a great tip!

MISTAKE #3: Not concentrating on lowering body fat percentage.

This is another big mistake when trying to learn how to get abs. Most people just focus on crash dieting and doing lots of crunches, thinking it will help them get abs.

If you really want to get abs, you will focus on lowering your overall body fat. For men, it should be less than 10%. For women, less that 14%.

SOLUTION: Combine total body strength training 2-3 times per week, high intensity cardio, and a great diet that follows the guidelines above.

If you really want to figure out how to get abs, then these guidelines will get you there. To get abs, you need to be persistent, be prepared to work hard, and get ready to love the sexy abs that you will soon see in the mirror of you follow through!

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Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

For a FREE 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Permanently, go to How to Get Abs and learn some killer fat loss tips.

Tom is also the author of, where he offers independent reviews of high quality fat loss products.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hot Abs - 2 Stellar Tips to Look Sexy at the Beach

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Having hot abs is the pinnacle of looking sexy. Is someone has hot abs, then it shows they put a lot of effort into getting their body into great shape.

Whether you already have hot abs or you still have some fat to lose, this article will show you the two main ways that will get you the hot abs you have always dreamed of.

When most people want to get hot abs, then tend to try and do a few things wrong. Some of those things include doing lots of crunches, crash dieting, not strength training, and trying a lot of fad diets and infomercial products.

In the rest of this article, you will see why taking these kinds of approaches are not optimal for getting you the hot abs that you want.

2 Hot Abs Tips:

1. Good food choices is the cornerstone of having hot abs.

There is just no way around this one =) Having hot abs that are ripped and defined all comes down to your daily nutrition. If you follow these nutrition guidelines, you will be on the right track to having hot abs.

Reduce your daily calories.

If you consume less food, you will lose fat. By creating a caloric defecit and eating the right foods at the right time, you will put your body into a state where it will use stored body fat for energy.

Eat 4-6 small meals per day.

By eating smaller meals more often, you will help to control your appetite and regulate your blood sugar. If you eat a small breakfast, small lunch, and then a huge dinner, you will almost certainly never attain hot abs. When you have a huge meal, your blood sugar spikes very high. Then, your body releases insulin to store the excess blood sugar as fat.

You can avoid this by eating 4-6 small meals per day that consist of high quality protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

2. Raise your metabolism.

This is the other crucial part to having hot abs. Metabolism is how your body burns calories. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you will burn during exercise and at rest.

The best ways to raise your metabolism are to increase you overall muscle mass through strength training, then combine it with high intensity cardio.

Doing lots of crunches does not help to sufficiently raise your metabolism enough to get you hot abs. Doings lots of crunches is great when you already have a low body fat percentage, but it will not help you to lose 10-30 lbs.

Total body strength training is great because you will add lean muscle mass all over your body! This will help to get you sexy toned muscles that will increase your overall metabolism and will help those hot abs comes through =)

So in conclusion, you can see that in order to get hot abs, you need to combine the right food choices at the right time with a raised metabolism. This synergistic effect will help you reduce your overall body fat and get you those hot abs that the opposite sex loves!

Remember your safety comes first, so it is best to check with a medical doctor before beginning an exercise program. You want to get hot abs, but you also want to be safe!

Good luck =)

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Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

For a FREE 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Permanently, go to Hot Abs and learn some killer fat loss tips.

Tom is also the author of, where he offers independent reviews of high quality fat loss products.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Six Pack Abs Diet - Secrets of Eating Right for Amazing Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Do you know what the best six pack abs diet is?

Most people try to crash diet by eating 1 meal per day or try some new miracle diet that promises six pack abs with fast and easy.

In order to get six pack abs, you will need to have the right diet. It is plain and simple.

This article will show you some general guidelines for a six pack abs diet that you must follow if you want to see your abs with a lot of definition.

Because everyone is different, it is a good idea that you speak with a Registered Dietician about the best six pack abs diet for you individually. Everyone is different, and your safety comes first!

Six Pack Abs Diet Guidelines

1. Decrease you overall number of calories.

This is crucial to have down if you want to get the most out of your six pack abs diet.

If you decrease your overall number of calories by about 500 per day (generally), you will lose 1lb each week. If you can create this kind of defecit in the number of calories you consume, then you will start to see a difference!

If this part of your six pack abs diet is not taken care of, then all your other exercise efforts will be in vain.

2. Eat 4-6 small meals per day.

This is a great addition to a proper six pack abs diet because this helps to regulate your blood sugar. The higher you blood sugar, the more insulin your body releases to store the excess as fat.

By including 4-6 small meals per day as part of your six pack abs diet, you will prevent the kind of spike in your blood sugar that happens after eating a very big meal.

Also, you will feel less hungry throughout the day! When you go several hours without eating, you are more likely to make poor food choices and eat a huge meal.

3. Do not eat 2/3 of your calories in the evening.

This is an important part of your six pack abs diet. For most people who have a day job, they tend to eat a small breakfast, small lunch, then a huge dinner when they get home.

This causes a big spike in blood sugar, which then translates to more of it being stored as fat.

You can prevent this by eating 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day.

4. Eat good quality protein, good carbs, and healthy fats.

Eating good quality protein such as chicken breast, turkey, fish, etc. is a great idea.

For carbs, try to go for whole grains and other things such as oatmeal and brown rice. These complex carbs are a great addition to your six pack abs diet because they require a lot of work for your body to break down. This makes your body have to use more energy during digestion.

Healthy fats are great and should be used in moderation. Omega 3's are found in most types of fish.

So in conclusion, now you have learned some of the most important aspects of a six pack abs diet.

If you follow these principles and continue to educate yourself based on them, you will see this kind of six pack abs diet will bring out a slim sexy waistline that will make the opposite sex go crazy!

Good luck and stay persistent =)

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For a FREE 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Permanently, go to Six Pack Abs Diet and learn some killer fat loss tips.

Tom is also the author of, where he offers independent reviews of high quality fat loss products.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Truth About Six Pack Abs - Secrets of a Sexy Stomach

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


A lot of people are looking for the truth about six pack abs.

The question is, where do you turn for quality information?

You could try the latest fad diet, buy prepackaged meals that are sent to your house, crash diet, or try the latest exercise infomercial gimmick that promises to show you the truth about six pack abs.

This article will show the fundamentals on the truth about six pack abs. If you are not doing the right things, you will have a lot of trouble ever getting six pack abs.

If you would ask most people what they thought it the truth about how to get six pack abs, they would probably say "do lots of crunches".

This is only partly true.

Doing lots of crunches is good for building lots of core strength, but it is hardly enough to get you six pack abs.

So this brings us to the most important points about the truth about six pack abs.

1. Lots of crunches is not the best way to go.

It is vital to illustrate this point a little further. Doing lots of ab exercises, taking ab classes, working out to an ab dvd, are all great, but it is not a means to an end.

You do not lots stomach fat by doing lots of crunches. Instead, you lose stomach fat by increasing your overall metabolism and exercising the right way!

Trying to lose fat over your abs relates back to a myth that is known as "spot reduction". This refers to the misconception that you can lose fat over a specific area by working the muscle underneath it.

If this was you, then you would see people walking around with ripped six pack abs and flabby arms, love handles, big butt, etc. If you see someone with great abs, there is a great chance that the rest of their body is in great shape too! They got that way by eating and exercising a certain way, which is the same program that you should follow as well.

2. Nutrition is the cornerstone of abdominal sexiness.

This is a big area that is overlooked when examining the real truth about six pack abs.

If you want to see your abs with solid definition, then you need to have a very low percentage of body fat. This simply does not happen without having the right diet.

You will want to:

Avoid bad "high glycemic" carbs such as junk food, sugary food, soda, fast food, etc.

These bad carbs cause a steep rise in your blood sugar, and your body responds by releasing more insulin to store it as fat.

Eat 4-6 small meals per day.

This is a great way to get six pack abs for a few reasons. By eating more smaller meals, you will feel less hungry throughout the day. This will make you less likely to binge and eat a big meal. Also, this helps to regulate your blood sugar if you are eating good quality protein, healthy fats, and low glycemic carbs.

Create an overall calorie defecit.

This is probably the most important truth about six pack abs. By reducing your overall number of daily calories from what you are currently consuming, you will start to lose body fat.

Remember, losing body fat is the real truth about six pack abs! Having a great diet combined with the right kind of exercise is the way to go. Doing lots of crunches and crash dieting is a sure way to be frustrated.

If you work hard and eat right, you will find the truth about six pack abs comes from making good food choices and exercising.

Good luck =)

Want to Reprint this Article on the Truth About Six Pack Abs?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

For a FREE 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Permanently, go to Truth About Six Pack Abs and learn some killer fat loss tips.

Tom is also the author of, where he offers independent reviews of high quality fat loss products.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Why Fats Build Up in Your Abs and How to Expel Them

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Fat has been termed the packing of the body. It is necessary as it is what fills the spaces between the muscles that give shape to the body. However, the excess of it becomes a problem. And the fat usually gathers upon the abdomen more often than in any other parts of the body. The reason being the fat, being inert tissue, naturally gravitates to the point of least activity. The legs, arms and back being constantly exercised in the ordinary habits of life, do not offer such a favorable resting place for fat. It often appears on the abdomen, especially to those people in advanced age, which then presents quite a contrast to lean limbs due to habitual activities.

To remedy this unsatisfactory condition, various methods of diet are practiced. In many cases of stoutness the practice of methods of diet, if adhered to persistently, usually turns out to the desired result. But the danger in them is that the reduction of the system in general often produces a weakened condition that affects the heart. Added to this, the reduction of the fatty tissue, being general, is not especially directed to any particular part of the body, and the discomfort entailed in the practice of the system does not invite its universal adoption. Furthermore, they involve a great deal of self-denial.

We frequently hear plump people complain that “everything they eat turns to fat,” which often appears to be true. Fat would seem to be undeveloped tissue, formed in the ordinary process of digestion and assimilation. But upon reaching a certain stage its further development stops. Instead of becoming living cellular tissue, it changes to this inert substance known to physiology as adipose tissue, or fat. The tendency of abnormal development to happen causes an over supply of fat to the point that dieting alone could not help.

Muscular exercise at the point of excessive deposit is probably the most direct, surest, easiest and safest method of its elimination. This activity has the same effect upon such deposits as it has upon worn-out and clogging dead tissue, which can be forced from the point of lodgment by the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles. In short, fatty tissue, when thus dislodged, is carried off by the ordinary process of excretion. And my experience has been that, under no circumstances is it possible to convert it into muscular tissue.

Obesity is evidently caused by local in¬activity. And that being the case, the only logical and successful remedy would be muscular activity of where the fatty deposit is situated. Walking is highly recommended and is undoubtedly beneficial. But the motion of the legs does not really bring action to the abdomen where the fats are stored. Thus, there is a need to do a direct activity for the abdomen so that the fatty tissues may be dislodged. The assumption is that if fat is accumulated due to inactivity, exercises will remedy the trouble.

Fat is really carbon and the phenomena of spontaneous combustion – the cause of many mysterious fires – is a familiar illustration of the method by which fat is consumed in the system and why exercise of the muscles or friction of the fatty deposit will remove it. When the muscles are exercised by alternate contraction and relaxation or vigorous rubbing, there is an increased flow of blood to that point, and therefore an increase of oxygen, as the red corpuscles, coming in contact with the carbon or fatty deposit, burn it up. This is the simple explanation of the phenomena. The pumping action of the muscles during the exercises expels the ashes, or debris resulting from this combustion, into the venous and glandular system. It is then carried off by the ordinary excretions of the body.This article is an excerpt from the author's e-book, The Man Who Grew Younger: Secrets to Fitness & Health for the Middle-aged and Beyond. Visit the e-book's website to find unique natural fitness and health tips, all proven highly effective. Numerous other excellent fitness e-books are also available at

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Should You Train Your Abs Before Or After Your Workout?

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Here's some thoughts on the timing of your abdominal training.

1 - Do them first as most people skip abs and calves. Some trainers will prescribe the ab work and calf work first as they are commonly neglected body parts.

2 - There's no problem with working abs first as long as you still have enough core strength to safely finish your workout.

3 - "Work the weakest body part first", as long as it doesn't adversely effect other body parts you might work that day. If your abs are lacking, then you'd certainly want to focus on them and work them first while your energy and focus is highest.

4 - Depending on your goals, you can work them first or last. If your focus is abs then train them first. Weaknesses should be trained early on in the session when you are fresh.

5 - Timing doesn't matter. Consistency is the key. Doing them is more important then when you do them.

5- Do them last after your larger muscle groups as sacrificing core strength at the beginning of the workout can compromise safety and strength.

So what is correct?

A study done in the January 2007 issue of Muscle and Fitness found that a group who performed a 6 rep max squat set did significantly less weight if they trained abs before doing the squats.

It was obvious that if you train your abs first, you won't have the core strength necessary to do certain leg exercises that require a fair amount of core strength.

If your abs and core are fatigued from previous exercises, it can cause weakness on subsequent exercises and increase the risk of lower back injury.

If you are short on time, you can superset them with other smaller muscle groups like forearms and calves. But never sacrifice core strength and safety simply to get your ab training out of the way early even if it's your weakest body part.

Those concerned with their abs or if your abs are a weakness, you can do additional work on non-weight training days (some people do them after cardio to keep them separate from weight training sessions).

Something to ponder:

Why would you fatigue your triceps before doing chest work?

You wouldn't.

Why would you fatigue your abs before doing any muscles that require your core as a primary stabilize?

You shouldn't.

While I agree the level of core work depends on the abilities of the individual there's still NO physiological reason yet that clearly describes a situation in which case doing core work BEFORE your workout is beneficial other than a time saver, your fresh or "do it first so you don't forget it".

According to David Grisaffi who is a Sports Conditioning Coach and holds multiple certifications including three from the prestigious CHEK Institute. Plus he is also the author of the popular selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs,"

On Page 32 of Firm and Flatten Your Abs David says:

"On the days when you are doing weight training exercises for your other body parts (legs, arms, back, chest, shoulders), always do your abs and core routine after the rest of your weight training so that you're not training the rest of your body with a fatigued core and stabilizers."

The bottom line is: Ab training and any core work comes AFTER larger muscle groups.

Marc David is a bodybuilder and author of the, Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding. You can learn how to get six pack abs: To get Marc's free e-zine on fitness including abdominal training visit

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Best Lower Ab Workout - How to Blast the Lower Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Finding the best lower ab workout is not always an easy thing to do. It can be frustrating to keep trying to work the lower abs if you feel like you are not doing it right.

In this article, you will learn what it takes to have the best lower ab workout around.

Before we get into 3 exercises, it is important that you understand some basics about training the lower abs.

The first thing that you should understand is that just working the lower abs will not result in losing fat in that area. In order to lose fat in that area, you need to lose fat all over your body. This is how basic fat loss works. If you have a lot of fat to lose, then the best lower ab workout in the world won't do the trick all by itself. The same goes for someone who just has to lose the last few pounds.

The good news is that doing a great lower ab workout safely and effectively will help to strengthen your core, as well as tone those muscles up for when you are in the single digits with body fat percentage =)

Losing fat all over your body requires that you do the right combination of strength training (don't worry you will not get big and bulky), a special type of cardio called interval training, and most important, have a great diet.

Once you have those things under control, your fat loss efforts will be guaranteed.

But you came to this page looking for the best lower ab workout around, so here are a few exercises you can try right now.

Remember that training your abs is different than training other muscles. If you were working your biceps, you might try doing 3 sets of 10 reps for a few different exercises. For your lower abs, you will want to do a special sequence of exercises with little rest in between. This is called abdominal circuit training.

Here are some of the best lower ab exercises to try:

1. Alternating Supine Leg Walks

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical. Contract your abs so your midsection is tense.

Then, lower 1 leg so your foot is a few inches from the ground. Hold there for about 1 second, then return that leg to the starting position. Alternate which leg you lower.

Try a reps and really try to feel the lower abs working.

2. Supine Reverse Crunches

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical, then bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Contract your abs so your midsection is tense.

Keeping your knees bent at the same angle, slowly lower them until the back of your feet are a few inches above the ground. Then, bring your knees up towards your chest and really squeeze your abs while doing this.


3. Leg Lifts

Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical.

Contract your midsection by engaging the upper abs.

Then, lower both legs so that the back of your feet are right above the ground. After holding that position for a few second, return your legs to the vertical position.


All three of those exercises are part of getting the best lower ab workout possible. If you have any lower back problems at all, you should not hesitate to see a doctor for exercise advice. Now you know the basic components of having one of the best lower ab workouts. Remember your safety comes first!

Good luck, and remember to keep learning and stay persistent =)

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise. His website at offers a free 47 page ebook titled "How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Body Fat Permanently". Tom's free newsletter from The Fat Loss Zone is jam packed with tips and techniques guaranteed to get you on the fast track to having a slim and sexy physique.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How to Get Flat Abs Fast - 2 Awesome Tips for Fast Abdominal Sexiness

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Do you want to know how to get flat abs fast?

If so, you are most likely to make the most common mistakes that most people make while trying to learn how to get flat abs fast.

Learning how to get flat abs fast is actually a very simple formula. The problem is that there is so much information out there that we are on information overload!

This article will outline the best strategies for how to get flat abs fast and explain why the traditional methods are more likely to leave you flabby and frustrated as opposed to firm and sexy.

The 2 Best Strategies for How to Get Flat Abs Fast

SPECIAL NOTE: These two "flat abs fast" strategies are meant to work synergistically. If you just do one and ignore the other, you are going to be depriving yourself of having the sexy and flat abs you are working for!

Flat Abs Strategy #1: Raise your metabolism.

You can use metabolism to get flat abs fast if you approach it the right way.

Having a high metabolism is great for getting flat abs because it will help you to burn more overall calories while being active and at rest. Burning more calories at rest of called Basal Metabolism, and its one of the best things you can do to burn calories and get flat abs fast.

In order to get flat abs fast from raising your metabolism, you need to do the right combination of exercise and have the right kind of diet.

Raise Your Metabolism Through Exercise

If you want to get flat abs fast by exercising, forget about doing hundreds of crunches and long boring bouts on a cardio machine. These two things are very commonly thought to be the best way to lose fat fast, but in reality it is more the opposite. Doing lots of crunches and long boring cardio routines do not help to raise your metabolism and may even slow it down!

To get flat abs fast through exercise you want to concentrate on doing:

Total body strength training workouts in a circuit training format combined with high intensity interval training 2-4 times per week.

If you combine these two things, you will gain lean muscle mass and burn lots of calories through exercise and through a higher metabolism. Lean muscle mass is great for getting flat abs fast because muscle burns a lot of calories while active and at rest.

Flat Abs Strategy #2: Nutrition is Critical!

Most people who try to get flat abs fast don't know how to eat the right way. Most people try to get flat abs fast by extreme crash dieting.

You absolutely need to forget about crash dieting if you want to get flat abs fast. You may lose weight at first, but you will not be able to maintain eating 1 meal per day. You will get bored from it and go back to your old ways. Then, your body is calorie deprived and will respond by gaining more fat fast.

To get flat abs fast through nutrition you want to concentrate on doing:

Eat 4-6 small meals per day that consists of high quality protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. If you eat a small meal consisting mostly of those foods every 2-3 hours, you will help to keep your blood sugar level and will not feel hungry.

If you do this and avoid high glycemic "bad carbs", you will be on the right track to get flat abs fast.

When you combine total body strength training, high intensity cardio, and follow the nutrition guidelines in this article, you will start to lose body fat and get flat abs fast.

Now that you know the best strategies for how to get flat abs fast, go take action and have fun!

Check out the links below for more great information on How to Get Flat Abs Fast.

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Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

For a FREE 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Permanently, go to How to Get Flat Abs Fast and learn some killer fat loss tips.

Tom is also the author of, where he offers independent reviews of high quality fat loss products.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks

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How to Get Six Pack Abs - The Secret to Six Pack Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Figuring out how to get six pack abs can be a tough thing to do.

We are constantly bombarded with infomercials and new "miracle" products that promise to show you how to get six pack abs fast and easy. A lot of the products are either cheap exercise gadgets or some pill that "does the work for you."

Each time we see a magazine in the checkout line, there is a new article about how to get six pack abs.

Can you see why finding good information on how to get six pack abs can be difficult?

In this article, I want to show you the biggest secret to getting lean defined six pack abs.

Ready? Here we go.

How to Get Six Pack Abs Secret: Build the right diet and six pack abs will come.

Thats right, it all comes down to your diet! And when I say diet, I don't some new fad diet. I am talking about the things you eat on a day to day basis.

The reason this is so important is that losing body fat and getting six pack abs as a result cannot be done only by exercise.

If you exercise all the time but do not have a diet that is conducive to losing body fat, you will not notice much of a difference at all.

See, everyone has six pack abs. The problem is, there is a layer of fat covering it up!

If a male wants to get six pack abs, his body fat percentage needs to be below 10%. For a female, it needs to be below about 14%.

The best way to accomplish this is to restrict how many calories you take in! I once heard a great quote (I cannot remember from whom) that said "six pack abs are built in the kitchen, not in the gym".

Now, lets go over some basic guidelines that can help you lose body fat and start to see those sexy six pack abs.

1. Avoid "bad carbs", aka high glycemic carbs.

This is a biggie. If you eat lots of white bread, fast food, soda, high sugar foods, etc., your blood sugar will continuously spike. When this happens, your body releases more and more insulin to store that extra blood sugar as fat. This is not good if you want six pack abs!

2. Eat 4-6 smaller meals per day that consists of quality protein, low glycemic "good" carbs, and healthy fats.

This is also very important in the quest for six pack abs. By eating smaller meals more frequently, your blood sugar will not spike as much, therefore not as much excess blood sugar will be stored as fat.

3. Limit your overall calories.

There are 3,500 calories in 1lb. If you cut back your current diet by 500 calories per day, then over the course of 1 week you will have lost 1 lb!

So as you can see, diet plays a huge role in your quest for how to get six pack abs. Doing core exercises is important, but unless your diet is spot on those abs will stay under a layer of body fat.

For more information on how to get six pack abs, check out the links below.

Want to Reprint this Article on How to Get Six Pack Abs?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

If you are serious about wanting to get killer abs, go to How to Get Six Pack Abs for some killer information.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

Tom is the founder of, which is an excellent resource about how to safely and effectively lose fat permanently.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Hard Abs - 3 Killer Exercises for Amazing Abdominals

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Hard abs are certainly the pinnacle of a sexy body that is in great shape.

There are a lot of different exercises you can do to get hard abs, but this article is going to focus on a specific type of exercise that will help to strengthen the core as a whole.

Having a strong core is the foundation for having hard abs. I guarantee that anyone you see who has hard abs and a six pack also has a core that is rock solid.

The specific type of exercise we are going to focus on here is called an isometric exercise. This means that you will be contracting your muscles without having any range of motion. Isometric exercises are great for hard abs because of the strength it build in your core muscles.

So, lets take a look at 3 excellent hard abs exercises.

Hard Abs Exercise #1: The Plank

For this hard abs exercise you will want to get into a pushup position. Have your body straight and support your upper body with your forearms on the ground.

Keep your body in an absolutely straight line. Do not lift up your butt at all, as this will make it easier.

Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.

EXTRA HARD ABS CHALLENGE: Lift and hold one foot a few inches off the ground dur this exercise. It will load your core unevenly and make it a lot tougher.

Hard Abs Exercise #2: The Side Plank

For this exercise, begin by lying on your side. Then, put one forearm on the ground. Keeping your body completely straight, bridge your hips a few inches off the ground. The only parts of your body that should be touching the ground are your forearms and feet.

Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.

EXTRA HARD ABS CHALLENGE: While doing the side plank, lift the non supporting foot a few inches off the one on the ground. This is tough!

Hard Abs Exercise #3: The Superman

This one is great for the lower back. Start out by laying facedown on the ground. Put you arms out in front of you and make a Y shape. Then, lift your shoulders and your knees off the ground by contracting your lower back and glute muscles. Be sure to have your knees off the ground. If you do this one right, your lower back will feel it!

Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.

EXTRA HARD ABS CHALLENGE: Hold light weights in your hands and use ankle weights as well. Just a few pounds of added resistance feels like a lot with this exercise!

If you have any lower back problems at all, you will want to check with a doctor before doing any of these hard abs exercises. Remember, your safety comes first!

So give these exercises and try and see if you can do 2-3 sets of each. The longer you hold each Hard Abs Exercise, the stronger your core is!

Good luck and have fun =)

Want to Reprint this Hard Abs Article?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

If you are serious about wanting to develop a rock hard core, go to Hard Abs for some killer information.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

Tom is the founder of, which is an excellent resource about how to safely and effectively lose fat permanently.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Advanced Workouts For Not Only Abs and Core, but Full Body

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


I received a question today from a Sergeant who was looking for high intensity workouts with some work for abs, core, and full body to take his team of 30+ soldiers to a new level of fitness in preparation for their PT testing.

He basically said that the men had reached a plateau in their training and needed something really high intensity to take them to the next level.

My response is below...Keep in mind that this workout I gave him uses bodyweight-only exercises, however, it is VERY intense and for people looking for advanced fitness levels.

With that said, keep in mind that if you're not yet at an advanced level, you can still use this by simply using the basic format of the workout, and just do less of whatever exercises you struggle with, or choose an easier alternate exercise that's similar.

Here goes...

"Hi J****. To get your soldiers to that next level in their workouts, we're going to keep the intensity super high here and use the whole body. Keep rest periods short, and use full-body multijoint movements as much as possible.

I'll give you a killer workout idea below that not only incorporates abs and entire core, but the entire body as well in an intense fashion. Not sure what (if any) equip you have available, so I'll give you a great workout that's bodyweight based. Here's an example to take your men through:

Start with a 2-3 min warmup of light jogging, jumping jacks, or jump rope.

Then, move through these exercises in circuit fashion, one right after the other with only 10 seconds rest between each (repeat the circuit 3-5 times for a killer total body workout):

1. bodyweight squats - 12 reps

2. plyo pushups (clapping) - 10 reps

3. walking lunges up 6 steps and back 6 steps

4. floor mountain climbers for 30 seconds

5. lunge jumps - 6 reps to each side

6. lying leg thrusts (abs) on floor - 12 reps

7. squat jumps - 8 reps

8. side plank hold 30 seconds one side, then 30 sec opposite side

Rest 2 min after each circuit; repeat circuit 3-5x

If that doesn't get them through the plateau and ready for the next PT test, nothing will!

If you want to check out a site that has over 5,000 workouts for every goal imaginable, check this out: Thousands of Workouts

Also, grab a free report on the truth about losing body fat and abs workouts at Ab Workout Secrets, Abdominal Exercises

For you cardio nuts out there, discover a much better way to workout at Better than Cardio Workouts

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Why You Need Killer Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


If you ask men and women what the most important part of a fit and healthy body
is most would say a set of rock hard abs. There is no greater status symbol in the
fitness world then a set of six pack abs and a great many people work hard to gain
them. But there is more to a washboard stomach then just looking good. Those stomach
muscles serve a very important purpose. Having a strong core has many positive benefits
including a trim waist, putting an end to back pain, being able to run farther and
faster, more powerful golf swing and it can improve your sex life.

While having that defined six pack is what most guys strive for getting that
look is not always easy. But this has nothing to do with the actual strength of
your abs. Getting those defined washboard abs is more about how much body fat you
carry around. Having strong abs is more than just a look; it’s about being healthy
and in shape.

Here are seven good reasons why you need to have a set of killer abs.

1. A smaller waist – Instead of sucking in your waist every time you see someone
you know by having strong abs your stomach will look that way all the time. Strong
abs will tighten your abdomen and you can actually trim a good inch or more from
your waist size without losing any weight.

2. The end of back pain – If you have weak abdominal muscles you end up with
an imbalance of your core muscles which places increasing stress on the gluteal
and hamstring muscles. Your spine becomes unstable and the result is back pain.
In fact the majority of all back pain is caused by a weak abdominal wall.

3. Stronger joints – Your core abdominal muscles stabilize your whole body, particularly
when exercising or playing sports. This takes extra pressure off your joints, keeping
them pain free.

4. More power in everything – Having powerful abdominals results in more overall
power when it comes to just about any sporting situation. This is especially true
in sports where throwing or swinging is involved. Strong abs will ad yards to your
golf drive or get that softball over the fence.

5. No more hernias – The number one cause of hernias is a weak abdominal wall.
In fact over half a million men will have to have hernia surgery this year. This
can be easily avoided by strengthening your abs now.

6. Greater endurance and power – Having a set of strong abs will allow you to
run farther and faster then you ever have. By stabilizing your core while running
your entire body works more efficiently, saving your strength for the final sprint
to the finish line.

7. Increase sexual stamina – Now who doesn’t want this. The longer it lasts the
better it is for all parties involved. Your abs drive the whole operation. The stronger
they are the better the rest of you will perform.

Having a set of killer abs is more than just a look, it’s a way to improve not
only how you look but how you perform as well.

To start working on your own set of killer abs check out
Killer Ab Workout by Clicking

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ab Workouts - How to Get Slim Sexy Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Are you looking for a way to make your ab workouts better? If so, you have come
to the right place.

Finding a way to really make your ab workouts be conducive to getting the results
you want can be a tough thing to do if you are making a few simple mistakes. If
you are making these mistakes, the best ab workout in the world won't shrink your
waistline and reveal the abs you have always dreamed up.

It is a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting and exercise program
that involves strength training, cardio, ab workouts, etc. Remember, your safely
has to come first.

2 Major Ab Workout Mistakes

Mistake Number 1: Only concentrating on "one" thing.

To lose fat and have a great ab workout, you need to be doing the right stuff
with 3 things: diet, strength training, and cardio. The right combination of these
things will help you to lose body fat. The truth is, having a low body fat percentage
is the only way you are going to finally see those dream abs.

Unfortunately most people try to get abs of steel ONLY by doing hundreds of ab
exercises, long bouts of cardio, or by going on an extreme diet that involves consuming
a very low amount of calories.

If you take one thing from this article about ab workouts, make it this.

To see slim and sexy abs, you need to have a low body fat percentage. To have
a low body fat percentage, you need to do the right things with diet, exercise,
and cardio. It really is that simple!

Mistake Number 2: They try to do daily ab workouts that involve doing
hundreds of crunches.

To really see your abs start to shine, it takes more than working your abs day
in and day out. Doing ab workouts with lots of crunches will help to make your core
stronger, but it will not help to lower your body fat.

This can be a tough thing to understand because all along we have been taught
by the infomercials that doings lots of crunches with the newest ab gimmick is the
only thing you need to get a slim waistline.

Trust me when I say that this is simply not true. There is not ab workout gimmick
out there that will have you looking like an underwear model in 20 minutes a day,
3 times a week. Even if there were such a device, it would be useless if your diet
was not conducive to lowering your body fat!

So in conclusion, you can lose body fat by doing some great ab workouts if you
are also doing the right things with your diet and exercise routines. If you really
want to learn more, check out the links below.

Remember, the best ab workouts in the world will only take you so far.

Good luck, and remember the key to success is to keep learning and staying persistent!

Want to Reprint this Ab Workout Article?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource
box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

If you are serious about wanting to achieve the slim, sexy waistline of your
dreams, go to Ab Workouts
for some killer information.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council
on Exercise and also holds a degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes
in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise

He is the founder of,
which is a free newsletter about how to safely and effectively lose fat permanently.

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Getting Your 6 Pack Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Developing a nice set of 6 pack abs often seems to be you that ultimate goal
some men hope to attain. Many men that work on their appearance have this as one
of their goals of having that ultimate body. Many of those eventually find out that
getting nicely ripped abs won't be the easiest thing they do in their lifetime.
Some of them have a hard time doing it and others simply do not know how to do it.

You develop your 6 pack abdomen from muscles in the stomach which unfortunately
is the very same place where most people are genetically predestined to carry some
of their fat. Those fat layers cover the muscles.

In order to see those muscles, you have to remove or lessen those layers of fat.
So this goal can only be reached through a combination of intertwined efforts which
will not be obtained overnight.

Probably the most important part of creating a 6 pack stomach will be nutrition.
A well built set of abs will easily be hidden under those fat layers. Even a small
amount of fat will definitely hide ripped abs. Therefore, it is essential that the
person seeking them gets lean as possible in that area. In order to do this, you
will have to eat a diet that is low in fat and also high in protein.

Your total body fat ratio will have to be reduced to around 10% or less in order
to actually see that washboard stomach. Eat mini meals 6 times a day rather than
eating traditionally in a 3 meal format because this will help your metabolism increase.
When you have your body consuming good nutritional foods continually many times
a day in smaller portions then you will have to move on to exercising.

Also remember to drink lots of water. This helps to keep your body functioning
in a healthy way as well as assists to help rid your body of the fat.

The second part of the equation of reaching your goal of nicely cut abs will
be exercising. It is important that both aerobic exercises and targeted training
exercises be implemented. You will be able to burn fat through your aerobic exercises
along with the targeted ones, but the aerobic activity will be the strongest catalyst
to reducing fat in the body.

The targeted training exercises should include the whole body but also a wide
range of abdominal exercises. These exercises in combination with your diet have
to make your body use that body fat as energy.

Therefore, in order for this to happen, the energy that you eat in food and drink
has to be less than the energy you use in your daily life and exercise. This makes
the body seek some of the energy needs from fat.

A great added benefit of reaching that goal will be increasing your health well-being
also. Even in the initial stages of your program you will begin to see a difference
in the way you feel. The abdominal muscles being located in your body's core area
continually provide support and strength for your organs along with daily activities
of simple sitting, walking, and bending.

The primary key of developing that rippled set of abs is in the process of gradually
lowering your body fat ratio and building those muscles in the abdomen. With a motivated
consistent hard-hitting program of strict diet, aerobic activity and targeted abs
exercising every other day you should be continuing on a gradual path towards reaching
your goal. In less than a year with consistent effort, your path to 6 pack abs enlightenment
will gradually reach well earned success.

Go to
to get your free ebooks “Fitness While Traveling” and “So You Want to be a Fitness
Model”? Getting a 6 pack won’t be the easiest thing to do so you need to know what
you're doing. This program will definitely be your tool to
get your 6 pack abs started
today. Get your ripped abs expert insight from a professional that knows the tricks
of the trade. Here is to your health, Rocky Simpson.

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Can You Get Six Pack Abs Without Crunches?

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


When most people want to know how to get six pack abs, they assume they have to start stomach crunching. After all, if you crunch, crunch and crunch some more, you'll end up with a chiselled six pack, right?

Er, well not quite. Don't get me wrong, stomach crunching will build your abdominal muscles for sure, but to stick to this idea is to miss a basic fundamental - the abdominal muscles lie beneath a layer of fat.

If you have too much belly fat, then all the crunches in the world won't get you a six pack. The layer of fat will cover up the actual abs, and even worse, may be pushed out by the growth in muscle underneath, making your stomach actually bigger!

That's why the first step to six pack abs is *not* to do those stomach exercises, but to concentrate on losing that extra belly fat.

An all-round fitness regime will work wonders - cardio work and weight work, which will benefit the whole of your body. Combine this with a healthy diet - out with the sugary fatty rubbish, in with protein, fruit, veg, and you will see your stomach fat reduce.

This will reveal the muscles underneath, and you may well find that in your quest for how to get a six pack, you've already got a pretty good set without a single crunch!

You'll find that an all round routine will work your stomach anyway - steps, running, walking, swimming, they all work those muscles, so you honestly may find they don't need that specific extra work anyway. If you find that once your stomach muscles are actually visible that you do need the extra work, then that's the time to start crunching, but not before.

Try this idea - it's simple logic, but will often get you that desired six pack quicker than you thought.

Gordon Bryan only recommends one six pack course. Read about it and grab his FREE 8 Step Goal Achievement Plan at:

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Monday, May 12, 2008

The Abs Workout-How To Get Abs Like Steel!

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


The abs workout is something that can be done virtually anywhere. You can do it on a level floor with no extra equipment or you can use a multitude of machines. It really does not matter. The most important thing is to make sure you perform the exercises properly to avoid straining yourself and to ensure that you warm up properly before starting.

Make sure that you run through some warm up exercises first and remember to remain focused on what you are doing. Ensure you are not distracted . If doing floor exercises I would recommend a training mat for lower back support as working out on a hard floor can lead to back damage if you are not careful.

The basic crunch: Lay on the floor, knees raised a little. Put your hands behind your head or by your side if it feels better. Raise your shoulders off the ground and bend towards your knees slowly. You will feel the tension developing in your back. Don’t force it, take it easy and repeat as often as you can. It may only be 4 or 5 times before you stop. Don’t worry, leave it at that – next time you will be able to do more.

The crunch twist: You can alter the basic crunch by adding a twist to it. Hands behind head. As you rise move your right elbow towards your left knee. Repeat 5 or 10 times depending on your level. Repeat moving your left elbow towards your right knee, again 5 or 10 times. Repeat this, alternating between sides until you can go no further!

The leg raise: Lay on the floor, hands behind head, and slowly lift you legs 6 to 8 inches in the air. Try to hold that position for around 20 seconds, then raise a further 8 inches and hold for another 20 seconds. Finally raise legs further until at a 45 degree angle from the floor, hold 20 seconds, then slowly drop legs to the resting position. Repeat the whole thing 3 or 4 times if you can. Remember to breathe deeply as you perform these exercises and between sets or repetitions.

Straight face down or plank position: For this one you need to lie face down. Rest on your forearms. Make your hands into fists and use them sideways against the floor to push your upper body up. You should raise your body off the floor, resting on your elbows, forearms and toes. You should aim to keep your back straight (hence the term plank). Try not to stick your pelvis in the air or bend your body to ensure that your back remains straight. Hols this position for a minute if you can. Repeat 3 or 4 times.

Using equipment.

In the gym or using home equipment you can speed up the results you get from the ab workout. These machines are designed to make sure that the workout is directed to the appropriate muscles and speed up your results.

The crunch bench: A simple bench to lie on while doing the basic crunch or crunch twist. This bench is a cheap and simple addition to the home gym. It will help by holding your feet while doing the workout and also by angling you backwards to increase the effort you have to make in performing the exercises.

The crunch machine: Similar to the crunch bench but you can add weights to it. As always remember not to overdo it. Start low and increase as you feel able. Lift 20 times before adding further weights. Repeat until you reach your limit.

Leg raising machines: With these you need to raise your knees to your chest, repeating 4 or 5 times until failure. The exercise can be enhanced by swinging the legs around in an arc as raised. Again the important thing is to repeat the exercise until you fail. Don’t try to continue past this point. – your body and your muscles tell you when they have had enough. Give them some respect!

Utilizing a combination of the abs workouts outlined above will ensure that you will develop that ‘six pack’ quickly and easily. You will be astounded with the results if you stick to it, keep focused and above all, ENJOY it!

Article supplied by Michael Aldridge.

Vital Fitness

To get your free report "Free Fitness Tools and weekly exercise tips" please visit Free Fitness Tools - for accomplishing your fitness goals

For useful information on elliptical cross trainers please visit Elliptical cross trainers
For useful information on exercise bikes please visitExercise bikes

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Best Ab Exercises? Get Hot Abs with These Popular Abdominal Exercises

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Looking for six pack abs to improve your appearance but don't know where to start?
These six pack stomach exercises aren't incredibly difficult, but they are very
important (and very specific) because your goal is so defined. The following three
exercises are some of the best ab exercises for those wishing to get six pack abs,
so take good notes!

Crunches are where you lay flat on the floor with the exception
of your knees that must be bent. Alternate moving each arm over your chest while
feeling your abdominal muscles tightening up and possibly burning to get the full
effect. These are widely considered to be the best six pack stomach exercises, but
there are others that can achieve your goal. However, six pack stomach exercises
should be rotated on a regular basis.

Lying Bicycles are when you are lying supine on the floor with
your legs raised at the hips and hands beside your head. Bending your right leg
at the knee while pulling your right thigh up at the hip along with curling your
spine will achieve the goal. Just as you may have been able to glean by reading
the title, this exercise should make you appear to be riding a bicycle while lying
in the floor.

Seated Jackknife exercises are when you are sitting flat on
a bench with your legs extended in front of you with your upper body at a 45 degree
angle to the bench. Fold your body by bringing your legs in and curling your spine
forward and bend your knees as you raise your legs inward. Hold the position for
a moment and then return to the original position.

Don't believe that doing six pack stomach exercises one day will create a six
pack the next day, it is definitely a process! Just keep in mind that this is a
major goal for you and you wanted it so bad in the beginning. These integral six
pack stomach exercises are a great first step, but there are more to come, stay

For more of the
best abdominal exercises,
download the
Ab Exercises
ebook available at

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Ab Workout of Specific Ab Exercises Equals Sexy Abs and Toned Abdominals

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


There are hundreds of muscles in the 'core' of the body - the abs or ab area (abdominal), lower to mid back, upper pelvic region, the obliques and the world famous 'love handles' areas are loaded with muscles of all different sizes, shapes, lengths and angles.

But what is amazing is, these ab muscles are all so close together, some of which are layered - meaning muscle behind muscle. And if all of these ab muscles are worked out properly with the right exercise program and workouts - it is not a question of "Will I be able to get great abs?" but a question of "When will I have my great abs?"

Unlike 97% of abdominal workouts that are in existence, the best ab workout, is designed to provide a training stimulus to every single muscle in the body's abdominal area and core with the right exercises.

The upper, middle and lower abs - the love handles - the obliques - the lower and mid back areas (avoiding these will not only prevent you from ever getting killer abs, but can lead to serious injury - this happens EVERY DAY to people who try to exercise without proper guidance - & it is one the reasons why physical therapists are so busy!)

The best workout does not rely on big expensive machines or silly gadgets.

It does rely on the body itself, its natural movement patterns and how the muscles of the body work in relation to gravity. This means the ideal ab workout can be done anywhere, anytime.

A big mistake many people, even trainers, make is to mimic the abdominal routines of bodybuilders or powerlifters. The problem with that is most people are not bodybuilders or powerlifters - and these people tend to overtrain anyway (I know this because I used to do it myself!). The problems here range from a lot of wasted time to serious, long term injuries.

The proper ab workout must be designed to provide the most effective training stimulus to the ENTIRE midsection and core, in the shortest amount of time (because we are all very busy people, right?), with minimal risk of injury. The problem is, it is extremely rare to find an ab/core workout routine that fits all of these criteria.

Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal ab workout:

1) A variety of carefully chosen exercises that provide the ENTIRE midsection and core with the proper stimulus to become lean, defined, flat, strong and solid.

2) A certain number of specific exercises responsible for creating the lines which form 'the Six Pack' look AND uncovering that six pack by pushing your metabolism into fat burning mode.

3) Several functional/core moves that create the diagonal muscle ripples along the side ribcage areas.

4) Targeted exercises that zero in on 'the love handles' to slim them down if they hold extra fat, or firm them up if you want more sexy muscle definition in the ab area.

5) Fast ab workouts that can be done anywhere, anytime, in a total of 15 to 25 minutes.

6) Exercises that are appropriate for both men and women.

7) A truly effective ab workout should not kill the person doing it. Many trainers, and fitness enthusiasts, do not understand that the word 'killer' (as in killer ab routine) is used as a figure of speech which actually means 'high quality workout that yields amazing results'. No back injuries, no hernias, and no six days worth of soreness.

8) Seek improvements ranging from cosmetic to enhanced performance in regular daily activities, sports and athletics and of course, love making (sexual performance).

9) An assortment of exercises, combined to create an equal and physiologically necessary, balance on EVERY side of the abs and core to give your body that V-shaped look.

10) Specific exercises, derived from injury rehab programs,which strengthen and tone the deepest layers of the abs & core and most sensitive muscles of the lower back region - to get rid of most common aches and pains and keep you injury free and super-hero strong.

These are the exact principles I follow when training my personal, one-on-one clients AND they are the same principles I follow in my own ab workout program. Structure your own ab workouts according to the principles outlined above, with the proper selection of abdominal exercises for undeniable results.

Joey Atlas, M.S. - Exercise Physiology, is the creator of Abs of Stone - Core of Steel - the internationally distributed Ab Workout and Abdominal Exercise DVD Fitness Program for men and women.

Joey is also the creator of - an interactive, global resource for expert Health Fitness & Nutrition Advice and Coaching.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

How To Get 6-Pack Flat Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Okay, let's get right to it! Here are some exercises for getting a 6-pack:

Abdominal Exercise:


  • Lie on the floor with your arms across your chest or your hands clasped behind your head.
  • Keep your feet on the floor or raise them.
  • Tighten your abs and slowly curl your shoulders up off the floor one inch.
  • Curl your shoulders up toward your knees until your shoulder blades come up one to two inches off the floor.
  • Hold this position for one to four seconds before slowly returning to the starting position.


Leg Raise:


  • Grasp the back of chair to support your body.
  • Hang your body straight down.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent throughout the entire movement.
  • Raise your legs until they are just past parallel to the floor, lower and repeat. Do not swing your body. NOTE: For those who are unable to perform this exercise with straight legs, try bending your knees and tucking them into the waist at each repetition. Remember to try and point your toes downward. After a few weeks, you will be able to do this exercise with straight legs.
  • Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.


Knee Raise:


  • Lie back on the floor. Keep your legs straight and back flat.
  • Raise your legs, bending at the knees as they raise and slowly lower your legs back down to the straight leg position.
  • Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.


Sit Ups:


  • Lie back on the floor. Hook your feet under a desk or other heavy object to secure your body. Keep your knees slightly bent. You can either place your hands behind your head or crossed in front of your body.
  • Slowly curl your body upwards to your knees and slowly descend back down.
  • Keep the movement fluent, slow, and controlled.
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You must always remember that if you have excess fat, you can exercise all day long and you will never see that 6-pack under 4 inches of flab. A 6-pack set of abs can only be seen on a body that has a BMI of 16% or less, so be sure to rely on a diet of low calories, low fat foods. Always consult with your health care practitioner when starting any new diet or exercise routine. He/she may want to do a few tests to rule out any underlying health issues.

If you are taking your diet program seriously, make sure to check out the top weightloss site fitness calculators at right away

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Importance of Warming Up Muscles to Get Sexy Flat Stomach and 6 Pack Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


To get that flat tummy and 6 pack abs you are pursuing, you will need to implement
proper warm up and muscle stretching.

Important: Please consult your doctor before doing any fitness routine, especially
if you have heart, high blood pressure, lung conditions etc.

A gradual warm up is very important before any exercise routine. We should not
confuse warm up with stretching.

The difference between warming up and stretching?

Warm up - increases your heart rate and it brings blood to and increases your
tissue temperature. When your tissues are warmed up, you can then do stretching.
It will be more effectively and safely.

Stretching - Helps to loosen the joints and helps with flexibility and strength.
It is important to warm up and then stretch before exercising and can help prevent
injuries. It will also reduce muscle soreness.

Safety Tips

* It is import to always make sure that your body is properly warmed up before
you participate with any exercise or strenuous activity.

* If you encounter any discomfort or pain rather consult a medical practitioner.

* It is a good idea to stretch at the end of your warm-up and after you are finished
exercising, to help prevent stiff and sore muscles.

* Avoid stretching of cold muscle(s), since it can lead to injuries.

* Proper posture is always good to have. A awkward back angle or position can cause

* Drink water to avoid dehydration.

How to warm up:

Gradually increasing your heart rate, body temperature and breathing rate. When
your body is warmed up you will begin to feel warm and start to sweat. Start the
warm up lightly and gradually increase the intensity.

Your joints also need to be warmed up. Try jumps, knee lifts, squats, trunk rotations,
bending, arm circles and side steps.

Warm up for approximately 10 min.

How to stretch:

* A stretch should be done after a warm up, because the muscles will still be

* Focus on the muscles that you will be using.

Stretch for approximately 5 min.

After you have done a proper warm up and stretching routine you can now start
training the muscles you want to focus on. In our case it will be the abdominal

As we can see that proper warm up and stretching are important, to get a sexy
flat stomach and six pack abs.

Lawrence Carelse, author of fitness articles.

Owner of

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Using Liposuction to Get a Sexy, Flat Tummy or 6 Pack Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Liposuction and weight loss


Often times as humans we tend to lose patience with a lot of things. Losing weight
or getting a six pack abs is no exception. We want to lose weight now. There are
a wide variety of alternative ways of losing weight or sculpting a perfect body,
quickly. Liposuction is one of them. I'm not endorsing liposuction in any way.

If you're considering liposuction to get a 6 pack abs, then this article will
give you a basic understanding of the process of the surgery. When it can aid, how
it is done and how you might look and feel after the surgery. It is important to
note that is not promoting liposuction. Proper nutrition, cardio exercise
is the way to go.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a process that can used to sculpt the body by removing surplus
fat from targeted areas. Sculpting can be done one a lot of areas including the
abdomen, thighs, buttocks etc.

Liposuction is also known as lipoplasty or suction lipectomy.

As technology advances a lot of new techniques are being used, including ultrasound
assisted lipoplasty, super wet technique, and the tumescent technique. There are
some of the new tools that can assist many plastic surgeons to help patients achieve
their goals quicker.

It is important to note that no type of liposuction is a substitute for proper
old fashioned dieting and exercise. However it can be a useful tool that can be
used to remove stubborn areas of fat that does not react to traditional weight loss
methods or exercises.

If you are seriously considering doing liposuction, then do the following:

· Consult a medical doctor and plastic surgeon to see if you qualify to become
a candidate.

· Do some research by reading up on liposuction and also the alternative techniques.

· Speak to people that have gone through it.

· Weigh up the pro’s and the con’s of the surgery

For who is Liposuction?

People who have realistic expectations of what the surgery can do for them. They
should be physically fit, mentally stable and realistic in their expectations. The
candidate should also have a normal weight and elastic skin. The surgery carries
a great risk for potential candidates with medical problems. People with poor blood
circulation, diabetes, and heart or lung disease should not do the surgery. They
have to consult with the medical experts.

The process: A basic explanation.

1. The doctor must consult with potential candidate and evaluate if the person
is medically and mentally fit for a surgery.

2. If medical check is successful then the plastic surgeon can help you decide
on which option or technique to take. Here the candidate can ask lots of questions.

3. Preparation and guidelines are given by surgeon. What to eat and drink, smoking

4. Venue is given where surgery is going to take place.

5. Surgeon chooses anesthesia to be used. Depending on the volume of fat to be

6. The surgery time will vary depending on the amount of fat to be removed.

7. The surgeon inserts a tube through small incisions in the skin. At the other
end of the tube is a vacuum pressure unit that suctions off the fat.

8. After surgery a compression garment is given. This helps to reduce swelling
and after a couple of weeks there should be positive results.

9. Surgeon might suggest for patient to walk around to reduce swelling and prevent
blood cloths from forming.

10. Strenuous activities should be cut out.

11. Patient should go for regular follow up visits to the doctor to monitor and
also to check the progression.

12. The new you. There should be a visible difference.

It is important to note that nothing in life is guaranteed and there are lots
of risks involved. Results will vary from person to person. If a person’s expectations
are realistic, they will be very pleased with the outcome of the surgery. Person
might feel better in clothes and more confident about self. The flat stomach might
be visible.

Healthy diet and proper regular exercise should be in place, to maintain the
new shape. This is one of the most important steps after a surgery.

Lawrence Carelse, author of fitness articles. Owner of

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Monday, May 5, 2008

The Importance of Cardiovascular Exercise to Get a Sexy, Flat Stomach and 6 Pack Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


A cardiovascular exercise is a vital important element in weight loss and getting a flat stomach or 6 pack abs. Cardio combined with proper nutrition and abs exercises is a formula for success.

You can do a 1000 sit-ups or crunches and still not get a sexy flat stomach. You will have to implement a healthy diet and cardio exercises.

What is cardiovascular exercise?

It is a sort of exercise whereby muscles draws oxygen in the blood as well as fats and glucose in the body, which increase cardiovascular endurance. It is also helps with burning of fat in the body.

For an exercise to be considered cardiovascular or aerobic, it needs to increase your heart rate to at least 70% of its maximum rate. This will cause your body to be in the fat burn zone.

Cardiovascular training should last for approximately 15 to 60 minutes. It is good to do cardio or aerobic training a minimum of three days per week.

What are the benefits of doing cardiovascular exercises?

* Raise metabolism
* Burns belly fat
* Reduce stress
* Burn calories
* Improves the functioning of the heart and lungs

When can I do cardiovascular exercises?

You can do it in the early morning, afternoon or evening. It does not matter what time you do it, as long as you do it.

What type of exercises can I do?

* Power walking
* Jogging
* Stair climbing
* Cycling
* Aerobics class
* Dancing
* Swimming
* Skipping rope

If you want to have a sexy flat stomach and six pack abs then you will need to implement cardio in your workouts.

Lawrence Carelse, author of fitness articles.
Owner of

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

How Women Can Get Six Pack Abs, Even After 30

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


<p>Many women complain that it&#39;s a lot harder after you turn 30 to get what we call
six pack abs.</p>
<p>First you need to determine where you are. If you have let&#39;s say 28% body fat
just know that your six pack abs won&#39;t be visible until you get your body fat down.
For women it is most likely in the lower teens.</p>
<p>What types of food do I need to be eating?</p>
<p>You should be eating lots of lean proteins like chicken, egg whites, and fish.
Stay away from processed meats because they will affect your fat loss progress.
Also, I teach women what I call 5 Star Foods, eating these foods will help in achieving
your six pack abs. Foods are not all created equal so if you want the best results
then you have to put the best fat-burning foods in your body. The breakdown of your
foods is also important. Don&#39;t make the mistake of eliminating all your complex
carbohydrates either as it will impair your metabolism, but you will need to modify
your intake. Every woman is different when putting this type of program together.</p>
<p>What types of exercise should I be doing?</p>
<p>I recommend fat-burning workouts. Doing workouts that are intense and lifting
enough weight that is challenging is key.</p>
<p>What about cardio?</p>
<p>This is dependent on how much body fat you have. Some women will have to do more
in order to get the results they want. Don&#39;t make the mistake of just walking, this
will not achieve those six pack abs. You need to do interval cardio to really get
your body fat down and to start seeing those abs.</p>
<p>How long will it take depends on where you are. From there, you can put together
a plan of action. Diet is crucial in sculpting those abs. Yes, you will have to
be more disciplined in your eating. But, the good thing is that you can actually
have a small treat every week while you begin your transformation.</p>
<p>You must be patient in the process and focus on your goal and don&#39;t think just
because you&#39;re over 30 that you can&#39;t accomplish this..because you can. The mind
is actually the most important part in this process as it controls everything you
do from exercising and eating exactly how you need to.</p>
<p>My whole focus in working with women is re-conditioning their mind to get the
body they want. For example, I could give you the best six pack abs diet and exercise
program but if you don&#39;t have the right &quot;brain software&quot;, then you will fail to
get the results you want so keep this in mind when you are setting your fitness
<p>Heather Picken, ISSA/P.C.P.T is a Women&#39;s Over 30 Metabolic Specialist &amp; Motivational
Coach. She helps women over 30 all over the world achieve the body and health they
desire and is the creator of a breakthrough system that is changing the way women
create the body they want, easily (<a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>).
She is also the author of Fat-Burning Recipes For Women On the Go. Get your FREE
Copy of Blast Cellulite Now by going to
<a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
and you can subscribe to her weekly podcast show Feeling Like A Million, where she
shares her top fat-burning secrets, exclusively for women 30+.</p>


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Friday, May 2, 2008

Abs Are Made in the Kitchen

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Abs are made in the kitchen. That's a popular phrase going around the fitness
world these days.

Well, it sounds nice, but it really isn't true (unless you have some really weird
home gym set-up).

The truth is, your abs are still made in the gym from the exercises you do. But
your abs certainly can be defined by what you do in the kitchen in terms of nutrition.

After all, you can do all the ab-building exercises you want, but if you aren't
eating for fat loss, then you are never going to see your abs.

So is your nutrition good enough to get the job done?

If not, what's your excuse? Not enough time, right? Or on the go too much, and
your options are a greasy cheeseburger or a slice of pizza?

Well let me tell you, nutrition planning is one of the keys to fat loss. If you
don't plan ahead, don't expect to burst through any fat loss plateaus any time soon.

And that's why today, Sunday, is the answer to the problem. Because today, assuming
you work a M-F job, you have the time to plan your meals, go to the grocery store,
and prepare your meal plan for the week.

And don't tell me this is too much work. You can easily accomplish this in 2
hours. One hour to get to the grocery store and back, and the other hour to prepare
your meat and vegetables for the rest of the week. For more information on how to
prepare your weekly nutrition, and for a copy of my shopping list, click here.

Abs can be yours if you are consistent.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes
for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen
magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured
multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet,
and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle,
and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information
on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow
cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

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Bodyweight Exercises for Abs & Weight Loss

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


What ab exercise can you do that isn't done lying on the floor?

The exercise is called the Mountain Climber. Now you'll quickly notice that this
is not a traditional bodybuilding ab exercise. You don't lie on the floor and crunch
or do sit-ups in order to isolate one muscle group. That's always been a downfall
of the bodybuilding approach.

Instead, the Mountain Climber is another total-body, efficient and effective
exercise that helps you get more total body results in less time.

Stay in a pushup position, at the top, and slowly bring one knee to your chest.
Place it back to the start position, and alternate sides. Don't round your back
or let your hips move. Keep your abs braced.

Other great, often-neglected total body ab exercises include the chin-up and
push-up. That's right, chin-ups can give you 6-pack abs.

I once trained a woman that had never done chinups (it's really a shame that
more trainers don't train women to get stronger and master bodyweight exercises).

Regardless, after her first workout of modified chins (she could only do the
lowering portion of the exercise, also known in the gym as "eccentrics"), she showed
up the next session marvelling at how sore her abs were simply from doing chin-ups.
Years of ab work had never woken up her ab muscles like 3 sets of modified chin-ups
were able to do. And during the workout, she continued to be amazed at how hard
her were working during this upper body exercise.

The truth is, any good efficient and effective compound exercise will work your
abs. So you don't have to lie on the floor and bang out hundreds of crunches to
get a washboard stomach. Heck, that's not effective at all.

The 3 keys to abs are:

1) Fat loss through fat loss nutrition

2) Fat loss through interval training

3) Ab strength through efficient and effective exercises

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes
for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen
magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured
multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet,
and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle,
and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information
on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow
cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ripped Abs - How to Get a Stunning and Sexy Six Pack

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Having ripped abs is definitely the sign of someone who keeps
their body in great shape.

When you see a model who has ripped abs on the cover of a magazine, you wonder
exactly what it is they to to look so amazing.

This article will show you the guidelines that people follow to get ripped abs,
and how you can do this too.

How to Get Ripped Abs

RIPPED ABS TIP #1: Lower your body fat percentage.

This is absolutely crucial if you want ripped abs. If you are a man who wants
ripped abs, you will need your overall body fat to be less and 10%. If you are a
woman who wants ripped abs, you will need your overall body fat percentage to be
less than 14%.

A person could have an amazing set of ripped abs, but will not be able to see
them if they are covered up by a layer of fat.

So in order to get ripped abs, you absolutely must lower your overall body fat,
and do it the right way.

RIPPED ABS TIP #2: Total body strength training and high
intensity cardio to raise metabolism.

To lower your body fat and get ripped abs, you need to raise your metabolism.

You can do this by combining total body strength training with high intensity
cardio. By doing this, you will raise your active and resting metabolism. This will
make your body burn more calories while exercising, and also at rest.

Most people try to get ripped abs by doing hundreds of crunches everday. While
this may help you build a strong core, it will not help to raise your metabolism.

If you want to exercise to get ripped abs, you need to add lean muscle mass that
will raise your metabolism. This will help you to burn lots of body fat and see
those ripped abs start to come through =)

RIPPED ABS TIP #3: Eat the right foods.

If you eat 4-6 small meals per day that consist of high quality protein, complex
carbs, and healthy fats, you are one step closer to having ripped abs.

These foods are great for building muscle and burning fat. By spacing them out
throughout the day, you will help to control your appetite and regulate your blood

Regulating your blood sugar is very important in the quest to get ripped abs.
If you a big meal, your blood sugar rises drastically. Then, your body releases
more insulin to store the excess blood sugar as body fat.

Eating smaller meals of better foods helps to prevent this.

Remember, good nutrition is the cornerstone of having ripped abs!

So in conclusion, you can see that great nutrition combined with the right type
of exercise is the ultimate solution to having great abs. When you combine these
principles and lower your body fat percentage, you will see those ripped abs start
to come through!

Want to Reprint this Article on Ripped Abs?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource
box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

For a FREE 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Permanently,
go to Ripped Abs and learn
some killer fat loss tips.

Tom is also the author of,
where he offers independent reviews of high quality fat loss products.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council
on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science).
Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the
fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

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