Hard Abs - 3 Killer Exercises for Amazing Abdominals
Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method
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Hard abs are certainly the pinnacle of a sexy body that is in great shape.
There are a lot of different exercises you can do to get hard abs, but this article is going to focus on a specific type of exercise that will help to strengthen the core as a whole.
Having a strong core is the foundation for having hard abs. I guarantee that anyone you see who has hard abs and a six pack also has a core that is rock solid.
The specific type of exercise we are going to focus on here is called an isometric exercise. This means that you will be contracting your muscles without having any range of motion. Isometric exercises are great for hard abs because of the strength it build in your core muscles.
So, lets take a look at 3 excellent hard abs exercises.
Hard Abs Exercise #1: The Plank
For this hard abs exercise you will want to get into a pushup position. Have your body straight and support your upper body with your forearms on the ground.
Keep your body in an absolutely straight line. Do not lift up your butt at all, as this will make it easier.
Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.
EXTRA HARD ABS CHALLENGE: Lift and hold one foot a few inches off the ground dur this exercise. It will load your core unevenly and make it a lot tougher.
Hard Abs Exercise #2: The Side Plank
For this exercise, begin by lying on your side. Then, put one forearm on the ground. Keeping your body completely straight, bridge your hips a few inches off the ground. The only parts of your body that should be touching the ground are your forearms and feet.
Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.
EXTRA HARD ABS CHALLENGE: While doing the side plank, lift the non supporting foot a few inches off the one on the ground. This is tough!
Hard Abs Exercise #3: The Superman
This one is great for the lower back. Start out by laying facedown on the ground. Put you arms out in front of you and make a Y shape. Then, lift your shoulders and your knees off the ground by contracting your lower back and glute muscles. Be sure to have your knees off the ground. If you do this one right, your lower back will feel it!
Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.
EXTRA HARD ABS CHALLENGE: Hold light weights in your hands and use ankle weights as well. Just a few pounds of added resistance feels like a lot with this exercise!
If you have any lower back problems at all, you will want to check with a doctor before doing any of these hard abs exercises. Remember, your safety comes first!
So give these exercises and try and see if you can do 2-3 sets of each. The longer you hold each Hard Abs Exercise, the stronger your core is!
Good luck and have fun =)
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If you are serious about wanting to develop a rock hard core, go to Hard Abs for some killer information.
Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.
Tom is the founder of http://www.TheFatLossZone.com, which is an excellent resource about how to safely and effectively lose fat permanently.
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