Six Pack ABS Exercises

Friday, November 7, 2008

Free Ab Workout Routine + Tips To Obtaining Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


So you're starting to notice the pants are a little tighter, or it's getting harder to see your toes. Whatever the reason is, don't sweat it. It's NORMAL.

I'm not writing this to make you feel guilty and cut all of your bad habits. On the contrary, I want to let you know it's fine, and that there are little things throughout the day you can do to increase your overall health, and in turn, lose weight AND develop your mid section.

The program we designed goes into more detail, but we know tips help, so we'll sum it up for you throughout this article!

So what's the hardest part about working out...finding time? Keeping it interesting? Lack of knowledge?

How do you keep it exciting?

Well, first of all, you need to start by setting easy to achieve realistic goals. We all know why goals are important, but if you don't have goals, you will stray from your original enthusiasm as time goes by.

Part of the excitment comes from reaching your goals, so start safe. The other exciting part starts when you begin to see results. But we'll get more challenging later on.

Also, when you get into a routine, you feel better every time you do your exercises (and they'll get easier and easier)...It's really quite addicting....And in some cases it helps with our everyday aches and pains. (ie: if you have trouble sleeping, exercise will likely help you sleep better.)

Most people are under the impression, to get any type of ab workout, you need to be lying on your back, right? WRONG!

You can contract your abs and do standing crunches (and sideway oblique crunches) any place, and if you combine this with activities you do throughout the day (walking up and down stairs, carrying groceries, while your are the computer) you will actually be able to develop ab muscles anytime.

Ok maybe it isn't as effective as concentrated ab exercises, but it helps big time. It will also compliment the ab exercises you already do (or are going to start!).

We have a start, lets move on!

The 'Big 3' in ab exercise.

Time to start reinforcing what you already know into your brain. If you want to get in shape, you need to do all of these.

Number 1 - DIET

Number 2 - CARDIO


Believe it or not, the order of these is the biggest part when having a beautiful stomach. So for the first step on your routine...Learn to eat better! The pounds will melt off once you start eating right.

The second step: manage cardio at least 3x into your week. Since you will be losing/maintaining weight after you change your diet, you will amplify the process by increasing your heart rat and burning fat off of your tissues! Which will result in seeing your abs quicker.

And the last step which you can alternate with your cardio days is: Ab sculpting. The term should be self-explanatory so lets get on to the exercises!

**Please understand these are my opinions on effective exercises. I've read some great articles and some low quality materials on the internet, and out of everything, I've found these to be best.

Bicycle kick - Lay on your back and alternately touch your elbows to your opposite knee. I'm not going to go into too much details as you all should know what this looks like (If not, email us), but these are extremely effective for your entire stomach, and have been voted the most effective stomach exercise you can do (Whether that sentence is true is fictional, but I HAVE heard that, and I believe it!)

V-Sits - Lay on your back with your hands overstretched above your head, and with your butt on the floor and your upper and lower body relatively straight, you contract your abs and touch your toes so your body looks like a V from the side. In sets of 10-15, these are incredibly effective, but also quite difficult. Do it with bent legs when starting off.

Reverse crunches - These are great for your abs. You lay on your back, and in a nutshell, have your feet/legs up reaching for the ceiling...Your goal is to get your butt/lower back off the ground, then lower it back down. You can have your arms stretch down your sides to give you stability.

These are three of the more effective exercises I recommend, and the great thing about them is they can be done anywhere.

Get creative with your exercises, remember that your muslces love change, so alternate these with other well known ab exercises, and I guarantee once you see the slightest results, you will want to continue down the same path.

Evan Mitchell

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