Six Pack ABS Exercises

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Best Tip For Great Looking Abs You Can Show Off This Summer

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Who doesn’t want to show off a flat stomach and great looking abs this summer? As bathing suit and beach time come closer more and more of us are lying in the living room floor doing crunches or working out on various machines at the gym tying to find the fastest way to get our abdominal muscles to show. But there is one big mistake most people make when it comes to developing great looking abs that can sabotage all their hard work.

What is that mistake? Not including cardio and eating well. The idea behind this is simple. Even the best-trained abdominal muscles won’t show much if they are hiding behind a layer of fat. And where does our body tend to store fat? You guessed it…in the abdominal area or the belly.

So, what can we do about this little layer of extra fat that’s hiding all our hard work when it comes to great looking abs? Eating a healthy diet that includes lots of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grain rice and bread and lean protein such as fish and chicken will provide your body with the necessary fuel and nutrients without adding to the fat layer.

In addition to the healthy diet, you should also do some sort of cardio exercises every day to start burning the existing fat off. Ride an exercise bike for 45 to 60 minutes, go for a run or swim for a while. Any type of cardio exercise will do. Other ideas are going for a hike or a mountain bike tour.

As you burn more calories than you consume in the food you eat, your body will use the energy stored in your body fat to keep you going, thus melting this little layer of fat that’s hiding your abs away.

Before you know it you’ll be able to show off some great looking abs and feel great as a result of eating healthy and doing cardio workouts that not only burn fat, but also improve circulation and strengthen your heart.

For more great Home Workouts and to sign up for free workout tips, visit

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Strong, Sexy Abs - Why Don't I See Them?

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


One of the most sought after results that people want from their workouts today are a nicely defined six-pack. A six-pack, if you don’t already know by now, is what people call the abdominal muscles, which, when in perfect shape will show 6 clear sections when a person’s midsection has a low bodyfat count.

I’ve always believed that a nicely defined six-pack is the ultimate ‘accessory’ when you’re at the beach and that women like to touch lean abdominal muscles… but let’s not go there now. You can be big, muscular, and intimidating, but highly visible abdominal muscles command attention and demand respect.

Everyday, we see people in the gym who will do crunch upon crunch in their quest for perfect abs. Before I proceed further, let me first say this - ALL HUMANS naturally have abdominal muscles (and I bet they look pretty good too!). The problem is, you’ll never see them as long as they’ve covered in fat, which almost always is the case. You may not have love handles or a flabby stomach, but chances are likely that you’re still carrying a certain amount of bodyfat covering your abs if you are still unable to see your abs clearly.

All the crunches in the world will never bring those abs out since it only burns a few calories and works very little overall muscle. Though crunches are one of the best exercises to strengthen and build up the abdominals – too widespread is the message out there today that it takes you hundreds of crunches everyday until your face turns blue if you wish to even see a hint of your abs. This piece of advice fails to take into account that the reason you don’t see your abs are simply because of excess fat, and not weak muscles! Doing all the crunches till the cows come home would strengthen the abdominals muscles but still not address the problem of the layer of fat over your abs.

The Solution?
It’s pretty simple, actually. You need to get rid of the fat covering your abs. Burn fat and also strengthen your abdominal muscles so that they look good when they are revealed. This, can only be done with a weight loss plan, and exercises that target your abdominals. There is NO other way, and that’s as simple as I can say it.

So, think twice before you decide to hog the abs machines at your gym for a full 20 minutes. Not only will you piss ME off if I was waiting for my turn, but most of your efforts could be diverted into doing something else more productive.

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rock Hard Abs!Do You Have What it Takes?

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


If your abs look good, your whole body looks good. Having Big arms and chest is one thing but having rock hard defined abs is so another.

Everyone knows that nothing turns heads like a defined full set of abs. And hey, chicks love em. What more needs to be said.

Contrary to popular belief, the abs or Rectus Abdominis is really only one muscle. It stretches from the top of your pelvis up to your ribcage. The "six-pack" as it is called is merely sections of this one muscle.

Dispelling the Ab Myths:

The action of any muscle is simply to contract. And as you can't contract half your bicep or quad, it makes sense that you cannot contract half your abs as well. Therefore the myths about "upper ab" and "lower ab" training are total nonsense. I'm not discounting those training methods but the simple fact is that if you can't see your lower abs, it just means you've got fat covering them, not that you need to work them harder.

Say goodbye to hanging knee-raises, straight-leg raises, and any other type of leg raises for building your abs. They simply don't work. The primary role of your abs is to stabilize your body. When you raise your leg for example, your hip flexors pull on your spine and arch it forward/downward. Your abs stabilize this action by resisting and essentially keeping your back from breaking. Take note that this is the static action of the abs. It doesn't build or strengthen. Leg raising exercises only feel like they are effectively working your abs because of the repeated strain and exhaustion of your muscle producing catabolic, lactic acid build up. Search for "lactic acid" at for more information.

What Really Works:

What does strengthen your abs is what strengthens any other muscle in your body. Contraction! In this case - Decreasing the distance between your rib cage and your pelvis.

So we come back to the good old sit-up. But there are a few things to keep in mind.

Firstly, forget about the cool all-the-way-up sit-ups you see in the movies. Your abs are fully contracted when your shoulders are about 5 to 6 inches off the ground. So don't bother trying to impress or outperform someone by touching your elbows to your knees. It does nothing for you. Crunches as they are sometimes called are the way to go.

Secondly, don't wedge your feet under something to help you get up. You don't need to do this if you are doing crunches properly anyway. Your legs should be at 90 degrees to each other and your knees at 45 degrees to your waist. If you need to, use something to press your heels back against to stabilize yourself. This way you will use your hamstrings instead of your hip flexors which will keep the focus on your abs.

Thirdly, keep your hands lightly held against the side of your head or crossed on your chest. Don't clasp them together behind your head or neck. If you do you will be tempted to pull with your hands to get the last few reps out, which will put unnecessary strain on this fragile part of the spine.


Another good exercise for abs is kneeling crunches. You will need special equipment to perform this exercise. This is where you kneel and contract your abs so that your upper body arches forward/downward. You hold a rope attached to a pulley with weights for extra resistance. Most gyms will have a rope attachment to the triceps pull down to perform this exercise. The idea is to lock your arms against your upper body so that you pull down only with your abs and not your arms.

Ab Training Devices:

In 2 words - Forget it.

You don't need them. Most of them do nothing for you. Building muscle is hard and it hurts. Most of these devices are designed to take the pressure off your body making the exercise seem easy and con you into thinking you are really targeting your muscles. Don't believe the hype. Ab training is definitely hard work but definitely worth it's reward.

The Secret:

The difficulty in obtaining great abs is not so much building the muscle. It's cutting enough fat from your body for them to show. You probably know by now that spot-reduction of fat simply doesn't work here. In order to show those abs you need overall fat loss. Check out for more info.

You can find more great Muscle Building information at

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Bodybuilding - Rock Hard Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Abs are not only about the washboard stomachs we have grown accustom to seeing on the professional bodybuilding stage. There's a lot more to it then meets the eye. The actual anatomical make up includes the Rectus abdonomis, the external abdominal oblique muscles, serratus anterior and the internal abdominal oblique. Most of us tend to train our abs as a finishing touch on our overall appearance but we forget the main function of the abdominals. The abdominals are responsible for permitting our bodies to bend forward and back as well as to the side. Their main function is keeping our posture but they also aid in keeping our body stable when partaking in different activities and of course in both upper body and lower body lifts while bodybuilding.

By fully understanding the functions of our abdominals we can then implement effective ways of training them. As you read earlier our abdominals allow us to "flex our trunks" or in other words bend forward. The best way to effectively train them is to replicate this movement while in the gym. The reason most bodybuilders train their abs is definitely to increase the overall definition of the abs. There are a number of ways to go about obtaining this. One theory is to eliminate the fat that covers the abdominals. This can be achieved through both dieting and cardiovascular activity. Another way to help define your abdominals is to do abdominal exercises intensely with very high repetitions. The reason for this is that you don't want to add any unwanted mass to your abs. Cardiovascular conditioning is easily the most important aspect used to help a bodybuilder achieve defined abdominals. Bodybuilders use cardio as a tool to help shed unwanted fat. The key to effectively using cardio is to know exactly when to implement it into your routine. If you start doing it to early you will curtail all the gains you're desperately trying to make, but if done to late you won't have enough time to get your abdominals in the shape needed for competition. A good starting point is about 11 weeks out from your competition. This will give you enough time to cut your body fat and water retention.

The most misunderstood and under utilized tool for bodybuilders looking to obtain shredded abs is definitely dieting. I would go as far as saying that dieting alone is responsible for over 80% of a bodybuilders overall physique. If you look at it as, what you put in your body will either dictate whether your body gets bigger or smaller you'll certainly understand what I mean. The general rule of thumb is that your body needs to have 4-6 small meals that are high in protein, spaced out over a 2-3 hour span to keep your metabolism high and prevent fat storage.

As you can see, nothing I've written here could be considered rocket science but many bodybuilders don't take full advantage of this information. If you follow these simple guidelines you will achieve the washboard abs you've always dreamt of.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Body Building

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Debunking The Myths And Revealing The TRUTH On How To Create Toned And Defined Abs!

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


There’s a reason why you’re reading these words right now. My bet is that you’re hoping to get the TRUTH on how to sculpt toned and defined abdominals.

Am I right?

That’s what I thought.

I’m also going to put a wager on my belief that you’re seeking the absolute best results possible in the shortest amount of time… and the easier the better.

I’m on a roll, aren’t I?

Well, before I explain how to unveil your best abs in 12-weeks or less… I must first ‘point my finger’ at the TOP 3 myths associated with your abdominals, in order to erase any false belief systems that are imprisoned within your mind that can only hold you back from the ‘eight-pack’ you desire and deserve!

Myth #1: By performing abdominal crunches you’ll lose body fat in that area alone.

When you perform any exercise for your abs what you’re actually doing is disrupting the muscle fiber… breaking it apart.

Then, assuming the intensity of the workout was high enough and after allowing the appropriate amount of rest… your hidden ‘eight-pack’ of abs becomes a little bit stronger and harder.

A percentage of the calories you burn during the workout and for several hours afterwards will come from fat that’s stored within your body, but you absolutely have no way of knowing exactly where that fat is going to escape from… nor can you control the process… and you won’t lose body fat in the abdominal area alone.

Too bad!

Allow me to explain… there are unwanted but necessary compartments all over your body that excess fat enters for storage purposes. When there's a need to release a certain amount of fat for your energy demands then your mind instructs the body fat to come off from wherever it sees fit.

Unfortunately 9 times out of 10, the most stubborn areas (one being your stomach) is the first place that fat runs to and the last place it likes to walk away from.

However, if you’re consistent and force your abs to become stronger and firmer on a regular basis by working out on a progressive program (a full body program that includes abdominal training), while also eating properly… then you definitely won’t be upset as the layer of fat resting between your slabs of abs and skin will shrink, becoming thinner and your once hidden ‘eight-pack’ will shine through!

Myth #2: To get the best possible results from your abdominal workout it’s crucial to perform at least 50 repetitions in a set.

I’m not sure when or why this myth broke into the minds of many fitness enthusiasts. Perhaps it’s just become accepted over time that in order to develop a sliced and diced waistline it’s imperative to literally burn-out by performing endless reps and sets of abdominal work.

My friend, nothing could be further from the truth!

A question for you;

When you train your chest, do you perform 50 to 100 reps in a set?

My guess is no.

So, it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to grind out absurdly high reps for your abs since this muscle group contains a high percentage of what we Fitness Guru’s call ‘fast twitch’ muscle fiber.

It’s predominantly this type of muscle that makes up your back, chest, shoulders and arms as well.

Consequently, this fast twitch muscle fiber becomes stronger and firmer most effectively when stimulated with lower reps (12 - 20) and at a much higher level of intensity, rather than the alternative.

Myth #3: Dieting is the fastest and most effective way to increase abdominal definition.

You can definitely lose the stomach bulge in a hurry on a diet! For when you drop your food intake quickly and drastically your body doesn’t have a choice but to lose fat from all over, including your abs.

But as you lose the fat… may I ask what you could be sacrificing?

How about muscle?

Actually, almost an equal part of muscle to fat!

That isn’t good news as when the protein (muscle) is eaten away within your body for the needed energy requirements due to a lack of other essential nutrients, the condition causes you to become less active and as a result your metabolism slows down, which makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible for you to keep the fat off your stomach.

There’s always a catch, isn’t there?

You’ll also lose shape, strength and a healthy appearance in the process… it doesn’t even matter how result-oriented your abdominal workouts are - your abs won’t get stronger and firmer, it just won’t happen!

I won’t even get into the strict lifestyle that would make you a completely miserable person if you had to stick with a super-low calorie consumption for years.

Instead, here are the TOP 3 tips on how to eat right for MAXIMUM fat loss results that will allow you to create toned and defined abs in 12-weeks or less!

Tip #1: Eat 5 to 6 small and balanced meals a day.

By eating 5 to 6 small and balanced meals daily you'll lose excess body fat, improve your energy levels and will experience less cravings throughout the day. This is a result of your accelerated metabolism, which allows you to burn more calories than usual and also from giving your body just what it needs in terms of food, instead of too much.

It doesn't matter if you're eating an overdose of fat or carbohydrates, most of the extra calories that your body doesn't require for immediate and stored energy will instead get deposited as body fat and there’s a good chance it may choose your stomach as a home!

Here’s the facts… if you're only eating 1-3 meals a day, you’re going for some time without food and your mind actually believes that your body is starving! So, the last thing your body is instructed to do in a case like that is to release fat. Instead, it hangs onto it for dear life to protect itself.

If you happen to find it time consuming... difficult and expensive to eat more meals than you're used to, then take a supplement. For example, soy or whey protein shakes count as a meal. They're tasty, convenient, inexpensive and supply a high quality of protein that your body just loves!

Tip #2: Only eat lower glycemic foods in the evening hours.

By avoiding the higher glycemic foods in the evening, such as; pasta, potatoes, bread, rice and fruit and instead eating lower glycemic choices, such as; veggies, lentils, beans and salads… you’ll feel less sluggish and bloated, while also becoming more energetic.

Not only that but you’ll lose more unwanted fat off your abs. Let’s not forget about that!

You see… higher glycemic foods; see…are normally calorie-dense in nature and your body breaks them down quite rapidly into sugar for your energy purposes. Later on in the day when you’re not as active, it’s safe to say that your body doesn’t need this rapid burst of energy.

So, the extra carbohydrates (glucose) enters your body fat storage compartments instead of getting used for your daily activities.

Furthermore, the higher glycemic foods cause the sugar in your blood stream to rise quickly and drop suddenly, which creates that sluggish and bloated condition. I’m sure that’s not how you’d like to feel!

Tip #3: Minimize your alcohol, pop, candy, hydrogenated and saturated fat intake.

By minimizing your intake of alcohol, pop, candy, hydrogenated (margarine, deep fried foods) and saturated (butter, fatty animal meats) fats you’ll love how your stomach will become tighter and harder in such a short period of time!

More of the good fats such as olive, flax and canola oil will help to increase your energy and improve the condition of your eyes, hair and skin without causing you to gain body fat.

It’s so much easier getting at sugary foods and the bad fats nowadays, isn’t it? Thanks to the media, fast food explosion and your local corner store. There are some sneaky ways to find and fit the good fats in, though. Try this!

When you cook, instead of greasing the pan with margarine or butter (bad), try adding olive or canola oil (good) as an alternative. When you snack, go nuts! No, not crazy… eat a variety of nuts that contain good fats, instead of Twinkies and donuts.

Rich Tweten is a certified personal trainer of over the past 10 years, and author of ‘No FAT Lies: The Absolute TRUTH on How to Lose Stubborn Fat for Life’. For more information about his book-based program, cutting-edge online personal training website and to get your free e-course, visit:

If you live in the Vancouver, Canada area then feel free to contact him for more information about his personal training services by visiting

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Monday, January 28, 2008

The Truth About Six Pack Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Obtaining six pack abs is a great accomplishment for anyone. However, there are a few factors you need to be aware of before you make rock hard abs your next fitness goal. It will take hard work but you can achieve six pack abs by knowing what you are up against.

No Such Thing As Spot Reduction
First off, you cannot spot reduce your ab area. That means doing hundreds of crunches and ab work every day will not make your six pack show any faster. If you currently have a layer of fat in your mid-section, that fat is hiding your abs. Your primary focus will be on burning fat to lower your body fat percentage. Once you have burned off the fat, all of your hard work will be ready for display.

Women Have It Harder
Unfortunately, if you are a woman, six pack abs will be somewhat harder for you to achieve. This is because women naturally store more fat than men for the purpose of bearing and nourishing babies. This means you will have to work harder at lowering your body fat percentage. Lowering your body fat percentage should be done with caution as well. A significant decrease in a woman's body fat can lead to amenorrhea (lack of menstruation.) It occurs very often in female athletes.

More Ab Work Isn't Necessarily Better
Most people tend to forget that abdominal muscles are just like any other muscle in your body. Overworking them will not create your six pack any faster. Your ab muscles will need the proper recovery time just like any other muscle group you would strength train. Muscles repair themselves and grow larger during recovery time. When you are exercising your abs, just remember to take it slow and focus on isolating each area: upper abs, lower abs, and obliques. Give your abs a break between workouts.

By realizing the hard work involved with obtaining six pack abs, you are better equipped to meet the challenge. With proper nutrition and guidance, you are well on your way to the abs of your dreams.

Find out what you can do to get six pack abs fast without the use of drugs, supplements, and without wrecking your metabolism. Visit "Can You Get Six Pack Abs Fast?"

Eartha Haines is a blogger and fitness enthusiast. She writes for her own personal fitness blog at

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Eliminate Stomach Fat Forever - Get Six Pack Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Being overweight can lead to great many health problems, as well as just being uncomfortable and feeling hopeless if you keep trying, without success, to diet.

Many people are searching for the best way to lose weight and how to get rid of stomach fat and improve their health, well being and appearance, as well as their general levels of fitness and energy. Many health authorities suggest that before embarking on a new health program of diet and exercise, you should have a health check by your doctor.

Your doctor can also suggest good ways to help get all the family involved in your new weight loss and healthy living plan and to target the belly fat.

Your doctor can help you to set sensible targets for your weight loss. A proper, sensible diet under the guidance of your local family doctor, with a sensible healthy eating plan and good advice on which ids the best type of exercise for you to start off, with can be a great advantage. With realistic weight loss targets and proper monitoring of your health as you move towards and achieve those targets your doctor can be a real benefit in your goal of a lighter, healthier you.

Low fat diets still have a great deal to offer these days when it come to getting rid of belly fat and weight loss in general. Diets based on lowering the amounts of carbohydrates, recommend the intake of a variety of fatty foods, many dietitians have long been of the opinion that a low fat and high fiber diet is the best combination for weight loss and health.

There have been many diet books covering the low fat weight loss diet. A low fat weight loss diet is generally considered to be one of the more sensible diets. However, you should always consult your doctor before starting a new pattern of eating.

One of the easiest ways to start a low fat diet is to cut down on the amount of fried foods that you eat. An easy way to get a good start with a low fat weight loss diet is to buy a steamer. Lowering your intake of butter and margarine is another simple way to lower your intake of fat and help weight loss. When cooking meat it is possible to remove some of the fat before you start cooking and if you also grill the meat instead of frying it, you have removed a substantial amount of fat and possibly helped towards your weight loss goals of how to get rid of stomach fat.

Cutting down on eating pastries is a great way to help weight loss and to get rid of stomach fat. Pastries can contain a large amount of fat, so just by choosing a lower fat alternative you can make a difference to your chances of reaching your target.

A good low fat weight loss diet can be a very healthy way to lose those extra pounds and at the same time get rid of stomach fat!

Download your free report entitled "Powerful Weight Loss Strategies" and discover how to lose weight naturally and easily. Also, be sure to download your bonus free report and discover how to get six pack abs quickly and easily.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Summer Ready Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


I have people come up to me all the time in the gym asking for fitness advice or tips. One of the most common questions is "What do I need to do to get a six pack?". I usually then reply by saying all you need to do is some cardio and probably change up your diet. Then they respond by saying "I do all those ab workouts why don't I see a difference?" then I proceed to explain why they do not notice a change in their appearance.

No matter how many ab blasters or ab crunches you do, you will never see your abs unless you eliminate the abdominal fat covering them. Ab workouts are crucial to do, as a matter of fact I do them every day. Doing these abdominal workouts, strengthen and largen the abdominal muscles. Which is great if you have a low body fat percentage.

Now there are two things you must do to reduce body fat percentage. Cardio is the first part I am going to discuss. Doing cardio burns calories which leads to a lower body fat percentage. Take about 20 minutes at the end of your workout and dedicate it to cardio. You will notice some changes in your appearance if you consistantly do cardio.

Okay so that was the first part, the second half has to do with diet. If you eat right people will see that you eat right. Get on a diet that limits you to a certain amount of calories per day.

So do some cardio, stick with a good diet, and throw in some ab workouts and you will be ready for the summer!

Jacob Thomason Founder of

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The Truth About Defining Your Abs and Abdominal Area - The Secret Is In The Food!

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Since it's almost summer again I'm sure many people are out looking for ways to get that great six-pack developed. The problem with this is that you can't just decide a few months ahead that you are going try to get your abs moving now. This has to be a priority in your life at all times. Depending where you are at physically you need at least 3-6 months of dietting and intense training.

I would say that abs are 80% diet and 20% exercise. What you have to do is plan a good schedule. You have to know when you have free time and when you are not available. Another thing you have to lower your overall stress (students, laborers, etc) because you will not subject yourself to a steady diet if you are highly stressful. Trust me, I speak from experience. So that aside, I think everyone with some motivation can get their abs to appear and in some cases make them defined to the point that they should be receiving calls from fitness magazines!

Ok so the first step would be to get your eating plan. In order for this to work you have to determine your weight, goal weight, and body fat. Usually males need to be lower than 10% BodyFat to reveal their abs and women need to be lower than about 17% BodyFat. A good healthy diet would consists foods such as:

-100% whole grains (cereal, bread, etc)
-Lean Meats (chicken, tuna)
-Green Vegetables (green peas, green beans, broccoli, spinach)
-Nuts and Seeds (peanuts, almonds)
-Natural Peanut Butter
-Cottage Cheese

Sticking to a diet is quite possibly the hardest part about developing abs. A good rule of thumb is to take in 10-12x your weight in calories per day. Most people eat a few large meals per day which lowers your metabolism. Healthy dieters will eat 5-6 meals per day to keep their metabolism at top speeds, burning more fat. Also, a major factor for losing fat is drinking a lot of water. Multply your weight by .66 and this is how much water you should take in in ounces per day.

As for supplements

A good supplement to take is Whey Protein. This is easily absorbed by the human body and generates a lot of fat loss while increasing the speed of your metabolism. This also helps build muscle after every work out so that your muscles will be available faster the next time you work out. I'll also recommend Flaxseed oil as a supplement. There's been some reports that claim flaxseed oil helps burn fat much faster. I personally use this and believe it works great.


Beginners will want to take it easy and start with regular situps and crunches. As you develope your ab strength you can move up the next level and start doing weighted situps. Begin by putting 5 pound weights on each hand resting on your chest and do situps that way, about 4 sets of 20 to start. As time progresses you'll eventually be able to do 4 sets of 50 with 15 pound weights on each hand!


In between your sets it's a major plus to be stretching your abdominal area by laying on your stomach and doing a superman pose with your arms and legs up as high as possible. Another good stretch is laying on your forearms at 90 degress and keeping that pose for as long as 1:30secs.

I'm in really good shape after doing different routines similar to the above statements for about 6 months. I was in average shape but it took a little longer because I was on and off my diet.

These are the basics for losing bodyfat and getting in shape for summer and to reveal your abs, that's right, reveal them. Everyone has abs, they just aren't viewable yet! Don't worry, don't stress, anyone and everyone can have the body they want with time, effort, and discipline. Remember, it's just a matter of time before you get what you have always dreamed of!

Good luck! Best Wishes!

Hi my name is Ernie I live in California and I'm an athlete. I was supposed to play for San Jose but I injured my knee and now I can't play for them anymore. I'm currently a college student and I'm self employed. Currently working on my online business that I'm just starting up.
View My Business Blog!

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Get Six Pack Abs Without Crunches or Sit-Ups

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


In order to get six pack abs without crunches or sit-ups, start by throwing away the "out of date" exercise manuals and get ready to find a new and improved method of effectively and safely achieving those rock hard 6-pack abs you have been dreaming of;

Most "old school" trainers will tell you that hundreds of sit-ups and crunches performed on a daily basis are the only way to achieve rock hard 6-pack abs.

The problem with this approach is that it does nothing more than cause fatigue to your abdominal muscles and therefore hindering their over all development. This type of workout also puts quite a lot of unnecessary strain on your lower back.

In order to achieve maximum results for your abs, a combination of three factors should be implemented into your abs workout routine;

The first factor is a healthy low fat eating lifestyle. By maintaining a healthy, low fat eating lifestyle, you are effectively speeding up the process of achieving rock hard six pack abs.

Interval training and compound exercises are the second factor that should be implemented into your abs workout routine. This type of training has been shown to burn fat fast without the risk of burning muscle too. It is also shown to burn away fat long after you have left the gym.

The third factor is abs strength building exercises. These exercises will ensure that you don't only have fat free, great looking abs, but that they are also able to support your overall body, as well as help to prevent unnecessary injuries too.

A well designed exercise program is the best way to develop six pack abs without the risk of injury. This also ensures that you get maximum results in the shortest time frame possible.

If you would like to know which abs exercise program we highly recommend, click here

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How to Get Abs!

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


There are three basic factors that will help you lose your belly: strength training (which increases resting metabolic rate), cardiovascular exercise (which burns calories), and proper nutrition. Without all three, you can do crunches all day and never get the flat tummy you desire.

Let’s start with cardio. You need to do a cardio exercise you enjoy, 30-45 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. Running, walking, biking, you pick. Strength training should be performed 2 or 3 times a week. Remember having more muscle mass means you burn more calories during the day. And last but not least, watch what you eat! The stomach is one of the first places bodyfat is stored. So when extra calories are consumed, a “spare tire” appears. Dieting off the fat is absolutely necessary if you want to reveal the muscles of your midsection.

One way to get the most out of your ab exercises is a better form. Follow these few tips during your work-outs. Keep your hands folded across your chest or rest them at your ears. This will ensure your abs do all the work during the exercise. Many people want to put their hands behind their head-don’t- this will only put pressure on your cervical vertebrae. Instead of raising your shoulders towards the ceiling, think about bringing your ribs and pelvis together. You will get a more intense crunch if you concentrate on using only those muscles.

The key behind great abs is your DIET! If you do not lose the fat that covers your muscles you will never be able to show off your six pack. Great Abs is 90% what you eat and 10% exercise. So start burning fat calories and you'll see your tight abs in no time!

Visit my webiste to learn more about getting GREAT ABS!

Gina is an ISSA certified personal trainer. She works with her clients in their own homes and offers online fitness training. She writes a weekly fitness article for her local newspaper. Her passion is fitness and helping others reach their fitness goals. She participates in dualthons and 5K races all the way to marathons.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tighter Abs – The Simple and Forgotten Stomach Vacuum!

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


I’m talking about the Transverse Abdominal Muscle. This is part of your midsection that runs horizontally across the abdominal wall underneath your internal and external oblique muscles. The TVS (Transverse Abdominis) muscle is responsible for pulling the abdominal wall inward and therefore forcing expiration.

The next important part of the Transverse Abdominal muscle is that it acts as a personal weight belt to stabilize your spine and pelvis region. The stronger your TV muscles are puts you at a much smaller risk of having lower back pain and will help you on heavy lifts such as squats.

Why else should I strengthen my Transverse Abdominis muscle?

Well, for the point of this article, Tighter Abs! When this muscle is stronger it holds everything else in. This can easily trim 2-4 inches off of your waistline in a matter of only 2-3 weeks.

How to train this muscle

The main exercise you must learn is called the Stomach Vacuum. To perform this you actually pull your belly button up and in toward your spine as far as you can go. While doing this don’t forget to breathe. This exercise can be done standing, laying on your back, laying on your stomach, seated or kneeling position.

Variations and Workouts

The basic workout calls for 3 sets holding in the full stomach vacuum for 20 seconds each set. Increase this up to 60 seconds as it strengthens.

The passive workout calls for tying a string around the midsection (right around the belly button) in a tighter almost full stomach vacuum position. You can leave this on anywhere from 10 minutes to all day. It serves as a constant reminder every time it tightens that you need to pull it back in.


Now that you know what to do there are no more excuses for the distended belly, you can do these exercises during work or sitting at a computer! Stay motivated and best of luck!

Brought to you by Patrick Flaven owner of – Web Guide for Bodybuilders and serious minded athletes.

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The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 4

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


 Abs - 6 Months of Ab Workouts

Exercises for Variety and Development 24 Weeks of Abs Routines That Won't Be Routine

I'd like to tell you more about abdominals at this point but we've come to the end of the 4 part series and now it's simply time to get onto the workouts.

In short, you've learn about the two key concepts that are required to show off your abs in the first place. You've also discovered why nutrition is the most important part of any ab quest. And you are about to learn the final segment of 6-pack abs by utilizing some of the most important abdominal exercises. Moreover...

You won't be spending countless hours doing the same old boring ab work. This 6 month plan was molded to give you a well rounded routine and keep it interesting and challenging.

Not only will you be able to see your abs, you'll make your entire core stronger and that will translate into a stronger body overall.

So let me ask you...

Why would you ever spend another dime on a program or book when you've got the entire arsenal you need in this series to have professional bodybuilding abdominals? My strong hunch is...

After doing this 6 month program, eating right and lowering your body fat levels, you should be able to send me a personal success story.

Without further noise, let's get to the workouts!

Additional Tips for a Six Pack

Before you begin, it's recommended you understand how each exercise is performed to achieve the maximum results.

 4-point tempo explained:
2010 tempo =
2 = negative/eccentric action
0 = pause in stretch position
1 = positive/concentric action
0 = pause in contracted position

* You can substitute a crunch for a double crunch if you want the overall exercise to be more difficult.

* By doing a variety of movements, you are targeting all the areas of the midsection. Using bodyweight is usually preferred over heavy weights that tend to build up and thicken the midsection.

* Rep ranges in this program are suggested. Go for 'perceived' exertion. If you can do more, do more. Judge a set by how you feel not how many reps you do.

* Keep the tension on the abdominals at all times.

The Ripped Abdominal Workout Series

Week 1-2

Exercise: A1 - Decline Reverse Crunch & A2 - Crunches
Sets: 3
Reps: 15
Tempo: 2010
Rest Period: 30 seconds

Exercise B1 - Oblique Crunch
Sets: 2
Reps: 15
Tempo: l & r 2010
Rest Period: 60 seconds

Week 3-4

Exercise: A1 - Alternate Heel Touches
Sets: 3
Reps: 15-20
Tempo: 2010
Rest Period: 30 seconds

Exercise B1 - Ab Wheel
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Tempo: 3010
Rest Period: 60 seconds

Exercise: C1 - Seated Plate Twists
Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Tempo: 2020
Rest Period: 30 seconds

Exercise D1 - Cable Crunch
Sets: 2
Reps: 15
Tempo: l & r 2110
Rest Period: 60 seconds

If you want to see Weeks 5-24, please use the following location. The series is continued here:

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Real Reason Hundreds Of Crunches Won't Help You See Your Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


I’d like to share with you a bit of insight I had during my weekly stroll today.

Today I was thinking to myself as I do from minute-to-minute and I was reviewing some training manuals I had read recently and how I could best help my clients achieve their fitness goals faster.

While I was walking, I noticed we had a bit of rain lately and there were a few ‘splackles’ of mud puddles remaining. I don’t know about you, but I get inspiration from the weirdest stuff…

In this small mud puddle, I saw a hint of a pen. Yes, just a simple writing utensil. It was barely peeking through the surface and for some odd reason, I thought of exercise. Abs to be specific.

I thought, “It’s funny...there’s a perfectly good pen and it’s covered by all that mud. The pen probably works just fine, but as long as it’s covered by all that mud, no one will ever see it.”

This analogy then made me think as to why people come to me with questions about their abs. The questions are usually, “I do hundreds of crunches a night, but I never see my abs,” or, “I run all the time but my abs never show up.”

Here’s the answer…

It doesn’t matter how many crunches you do or how much you run, if you have a layer of fat covering your abs, you won’t see jack. I can do 1000 crunches a night if I want to but if I put on a sweatshirt, how can you tell I have a six pack?

Think of the pen and mud example: Here you have a perfectly good pen, but it’s covered with mud.

Say for instance that instead of the pen being there, there was a beautiful sculpture of a swan made out of diamonds. The swan was so beautifully crafted that even the flawed diamonds in the sculpture are perfect.

Now, as this beautiful, eye-pleasing sculpture is sitting here, how beautiful would it be if I backed a dump truck next to it and proceeded to cover it with a ton of mud?

It wouldn’t matter how beautiful the sculpture is because until you move the mud, you won’t see jack.

So it doesn’t matter how many crunches you do, it won’t matter until you remove the layer of that that’s over it.

You’ll only lose fat by doing the following things:

1. Cleaning up and watching the foods you eat

2. Building muscle to raise your metabolism and burn more fat constantly

3. Doing effective cardio to help burn the excess calories.

That’s it in a nutshell.

I mean think about it, if you’ve been doing crunches for about 3 months and you’re not seeing any results, it’s obviously not working. There isn’t an ab-fairy that’s going to pull out its magic wand and magically give you abs (but it would be nice wouldn’t it?)

There’s only three thing you need to do - clean up your diet, build muscle, and burn off more calories than you need per day.

Crunches don’t burn a lot of energy. You can do crunches until you’re blue in the face but you won’t see a 1-pack unless you burn off the excess fat that’s covering them.

No ab-lounge, cross-crunch, or ‘ab doo-hickey’ can promise you that.

Online home fitness specialist and fitness author and author Lee Smith specializes in helping people get in shape in the comfort of their own homes. For more incredible tips and tactics like these and a free subscription to his "Successful Fitness Strategies" newsletter, visit

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The Top Fat Loss Secrets for Flat Six Pack Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


I had the pleasure of being interviewed recently by a fitness professional from NYC, Geovanni Derice, of The interview is below and I think you're going to like it...I reveal some of the hardest hitting strategies for getting rid of body fat to uncover those six pack abs that everyone wants.

"GD: Welcome Mike Geary to 4everToned's Fitness Journal. For those who do not know you, please tell us a few things about yourself.

MG: Thanks for having me, Geo. Well, to go back a little, I have been heavily involved in fitness and sports for about 15 years now, ever since I was a teenager. Being involved in sports in high school got me interested in strength training and conditioning. At that point, once I started feeling more energetic, getting stronger, and looking better, I was instantly hooked for life. I'm 30 now and still addicted to the way living a healthy and fit lifestyle makes me feel energetic, confident, strong, and youthful on a daily basis. I decided earlier in my 20's that I wanted to make the commitment to help other people experience the excitement of being fit and getting in the best shape of their lives, especially since we've reached an epidemic of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, etc.

That's why I became a fitness professional. It just gives me so much satisfaction to help others, who have struggled for years to get in good shape, and show them that it can be done, and it can be fun in the process. I've expanded over the years from just reaching local individuals with personal training, into being able to help people all over the globe achieve their fitness goals with the reach of the internet. I only hope that my passion for fitness inspires people to take action and improve how they look and feel for life.

GD: Now Mike, there's so many things out there as to what works and what does not work...if you had to pick 3 things that work time and time again to get flat abs, what would they be?

MG: The first and most important thing to get control of in order to get flat abs is cleaning up your diet. Exercise is important, but your diet is king when it comes to losing body fat so that you can see your abs. There's so much confusion these days about what a healthy diet that promotes fat loss really is...after all, we are bombarded by conflicting messages in the media about what is healthy and what is not, and you have all of these gimmicky diet books about low carb, low fat, high protein, vegetarian, fasting, atkins, south beach, liquid diets, and hundreds more. There's so much conflicting info, that the average consumer doesn't even know where to start when it comes to eating for fat loss.

The second thing that works time and time again, is to focus on the intensity of your workouts and focus on working the body as a whole in order to get the best metabolic response to lose that stubborn body fat. In order to really get lean, the workouts should have a high intensity, with short rest periods, working the largest muscle groups of the body, instead of trying to isolate specific small muscles like the biceps, triceps, or calves.

For the third thing, let's talk about actually training the abs specifically. When it comes to training the abs, if you want real results, I always recommend forgetting about the crunches and situps for the most part. They are ok for someone that is really deconditioned, but most people that already have some training under their belt need a much better stimulus for their abs than crunches. Crunches are one of the abs exercises that actually provide the least amount of resistance, and remember that resistance is what develops and tones the muscles. I provide a ton of great abs exercises in my book, but one of THE highest resistance exercises for the abs, is hanging leg raises (but NOT the way you see most people at the gym doing them). The key to doing these and actually working the hell out of your abs is to curl your pelvis up as you raise your legs. Almost nobody ever does this right. To be honest, the majority of people cannot do this at first, but I provide some strategies in my book as to how to progress to doing these correctly.

GD: What are people doing wrong when it comes to developing the coveted "6 pack abs"?

MG: Well Geo, I know this sounds funny to most people, but the MAIN thing that people are doing wrong to get those 6 pack abs is...are you ready for this? They spend entirely too much time focusing on training their abs! Sounds crazy, but it's true. Remember, having a visible six pack of abs is all about getting down to a low body fat percentage. In order to do that, your workouts must focus on stimulating a fat burning hormonal environment in your body, and increasing your metabolic rate. That just does not happen when you focus too much time training a small muscle group like the abs. Instead, you must use the majority of your time focusing on training the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, back, and chest. That's what stimulates your metabolism and the fat burning hormones that will get you truly lean and sporting a sixxer!

GD: Which exercises are the top exercises that people need to do if they are to get maximum defintion with their midsection?

MG: When it comes to developing the abs themselves, I again refer to any kinds of hanging abs exercises, as well as some good floor exercises like lying leg thrusts (all described and illustrated in my book). However, maximum definition in the midsection comes from losing bodyfat, and the most effective exercises featured in my program for that goal are various forms of swings and snatches (unique dumbbell or kettlebell exercises that almost nobody ever does in normal gyms), squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, clean & presses, mountain climbers, sprinting, and other full body exercises and calisthenics. If you want great looking abs, focus on those instead of focusing so much on training the abs directly!

GD: When it comes to diet Mike, people really have tried millions of ways to get one thing...and that is fat loss. What recommendations have you used to successfully help your clients lose fat and keep it off?

MG: I have included a fully comprehensive discussion of this topic in my book, which accounts for almost half of the book, but I'll try to make some nice simple generalizations to get people started on the right path immediately. The most important thing is that your diet is as natural and unprocessed as possible. It almost always comes back to the overprocessing of food that makes it unhealthy, and makes it totally wreck your metabolism and hormone balance in your body. For example, why eat refined grains, when you can eat whole grains. Why eat refined sugar, when you can get natural sources of sugar from a high nutrient whole food like fruit. Why eat highly processed, refined, and hydrogenated vegetable oils (these are THE worst thing in the modern diet), when you can eat natural sources of healthy fats like nuts, avocados, fish, eggs, coconut milk, organically raised meat, and so forth. The point is to not fall for some gimmick like low carbs, low fat, high protein, or any other combination that has you focusing on one macronutrient vs. another. Your body needs all macronutrients to thrive and obtain a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. Trying to cut an entire food group out just works against what your body needs. I get into much more detail on this vitally important topic towards losing body fat for life in my book.

GD: Thank you very much Mike for sharing with us all of this great information. For more info on Mike Geary and his internationally popular Truth about Six Pack Abs book, please be sure to visit his site below. Remember that 6-7 weeks from now, summer will be here, and if you wait until then, I'm afraid to tell you, but it will be too late!"

Visit to receive a free copy of the innovative ebook, Training & Nutrition Secrets for a Lean-Body, as well as your own free personalized metabolic rate calculator.

Michael Geary is a nationally dual certified personal trainer and author of the internationally-selling The Truth about Six Pack Abs  visit for more valuable fitness tips.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 3

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


All About Abs - Ab Training

Exercises for Variety and Development Step by Step Abdominal Training Explained

Concept 1: How Many Times Per Week to Train Abs

Do you remember hearing somewhere that in order to get the abdominals you want; you've got to train them everyday? I know I heard that from several sources. None of those sources had super ripped abs.

Fact: Many of the people who DO have ripped abs train them 1-3 times per week.

Train your abs 1-3 times per week. I would recommend training them after a smaller body part workout like chest and biceps and abs, or shoulder, triceps and abs. You can do them on your off days as well. Try to avoid doing them with legs as it's a major body part. Try to avoid doing them first as you'll need your stabilizers to be 100% when they are used in other compound exercises.

You probably already know this... your abs can be trained a bit more frequently then most other muscle groups because of two factors:

1. The muscle density is different allowing for different recovery time

2. 99.9% of programs do not encourage you to train abs to muscular failure

You don't want to train abs to muscular failure for the purpose of this guide.

Concept 2: How Many Exercises Per Session

If you're like me, you don't want another session added to your workout that is going to add another 20 minutes to your gym time. But like any other muscle, the abdominals require a bit of stimulation but just enough to grow and change and become stronger.

Unlike other body parts, you won't be doing countless sessions for abs. In fact...

Use 3-5 exercises per session

That's all you really need. Use the schedule listed in this guide or just pick 3 different exercises and do 3-5 different exercises per session. You can vary your rest up to 90 seconds.

You've got to wonder why people train abs by themselves for 30 or more minutes at a time. That's crazy! And most of the people coming out of those "Ab Blaster" classes don't even have abs. They are doing longer sessions for a single muscle group then you ever need to engage in.

Simply put, 3-5 exercises will do just fine.

Concept 3: Using Cardio as A Metabolism Boosting Tool

For maximum fat loss, you should do cardio 4-7 days per week for 30-60 minutes (the amount is variable depending on your results). You could continue running or mix up the type of cardio you do (stationary cycling, stairclimbing, elliptical machines, and other continuous aerobic activities are all excellent fat burners without the high impact and joint stress of frequent running).

If time efficiency is an issue for you, you could perform high intensity interval cardio training and achieve very efficient results with even briefer workouts (20-30 min per sessions, or less, if the intensity is high enough) Once you are satisfied with your level of body fat and your abdominal definition, you can cut back to 3 days per week for 20-30 minutes for maintenance.

Concept 4: Advanced Techniques

Part of this guide is to ensure that you use all the techniques possible in order to achieve the results you want. There are two techniques you can use so that your routine doesn't become 'routine.'

1. Tempo Variation: Another way to increase the effectiveness of the training program is to focus on the tempo of the exercise. Tempo just means the speed of the exercise. For example, a 3-1-1 tempo means you'll take 3 seconds to lower the weight, then you'll pause for 1 second, and then you'll lift the weight back up in 1 second.

2. Variety: It's been said that your body will adapt to any routine within 5-6 workouts. By including many different exercises, it will be impossible to adapt. Not only will your body be continually challenged but the variety will help to ward of getting bored of doing the same things every week, every workout.

3. Multiple Angles: While the abdominals are classified as a 'single' muscle, that doesn't mean you can't work it from a variety of angles in order to achieve the maximum stimulation. Many times an individual will have their upper abdominals developed but are lacking any real "visual" development in the lower abs. Rather then focus on a section of the abdominals, this guide will encourage you to work the muscle from a variety of angles for the best possible stimulation.

Stay tuned for Part 4 that will flat out give you 6 months worth of ab workouts you can do.

If you can't wait, the Beginner's Guide to Abdominal Training is just one bonus book in the Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding Learn how to develop the perfect set of abs, the nutritional secrets that will have you in summer shape and the revolutionary training that eliminates the need for 100+ crunches per day. Proven methods to get your abdominals to show.

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What You Didn't Know About Your Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Getting the abdominal area in shape can be a manageable task, once you understand the basic science involved.

You should have your doctor’s clearance before engaging in any physical activity, now with that said, the first thing that you need to do is warm up for about 8 mins before embarking on the ab workout. Do not engage in any abdominal training , if you have any lower back or pelvic issues.

For you to have a strong, lean and chiseled abdominal area-you need to pay attention to the following; your sleeping habits, nutrition, resistance/weight training and cardio vascular training. Genetics do play a role, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t improve on your ab and core strength.

So how do you work the abs?, we start off by working the oblique muscles (the area that covers your love handles) first. Reason being that they are your weakest muscles in the abdominal region, and unfortunately you also have extra fat holding on over here They are divided into the internal and external obliques. These muscles criss cross each other, another reason why you should work them from different angles.

How? Answer: you would perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps of the various oblique exercises, ….get them tired, and then proceed to the “front” muscles, i.e. the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominus –that form the” six pack”. Oblique exercises would include lateral lumbar rolls, Saxons, Standing rotations with a bar, and Diagonal flutter kicks.

The rectus abdominis and transverse abdominus are very powerful muscles, and a lot of energy is utilized in working them out-and its funny the way a lot of people get into the gym, and the first thing that they do is a set of situps!.That’s not effective! Because by the time you get over these muscles, you are tired., and you don’t have enough energy for working the obliques effectively(remember they are your weakest abdominal muscles!).

Now you’d perform about 3-4 sets of various exercises that target the “ sixpack” area., and you’d be on your way to success. Exercises in this section would include balance ball crunches, hip thrusts and air bike crunches.

Performing running sprints is also an excellent way of burning excess body fat, and getting the abdominal area really cut. You only need to look at the wide receivers in the NFL and basketball players like Allen Iverson, a clear testimony of what sprinting can do for you.. A great combination is when you combine some distance running with the sprinting, and icing it up with some boxing or martial arts.

Having dinner early, say anywhere between 6pm and 7.15 pm will also help in keeping your waist lean and tight. A balanced diet consisting of Carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables improves your metabolism and optimum health in general. Key thing over here is having 5-7 small meals , spaced out over a single day. .Avoid junk food! Powerful tip; Spend time chewing your food, enjoy it…’ll end up eating less, plus you also get to reprogram your cells. Resulting in you eating less, which is effective for those who want to control their caloric intake.

You can’t talk about getting the abdominal area in shape, without mentioning resistance training. This may involve using your own body, weights, bands, and other functional training equipment. Do some research on this area or consult with a Fitness professional, before embarking on a resistance-training program. In the meantime stay focused , and keep things moving!

Eric Odera offers motivating and highly creative training to re-energize the lifestyles of busy executives in New York City. Please visit

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Friday, January 18, 2008

The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 2 All About Abs - Nutrition

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


First Class Eating Habits = First Class Abs 90% of Ripped Ab Gurus Have Fantastic Nutritional Habits

Why Nutrition is 90% or More of Your Success

Let me explain this particular concept as it seems that the current direction is to buy fat burning pills, ab machines and do daily training. The problem is with all that training and other facts is they will never have as much influence on the layer of fat covering your abdominals as a good metabolic meal will that helps your body burn away fat every day.

Turning your body into a fat burning furnace should be your #1 priority.

Eating 5-7 meals per day is critical in order to make your body a calorie burning machine; you must supply it with 5-7 small but frequent meals. The reason you do this is because you will be continually burning calories to utilize the food. Be cautious of portion size. Eat too much of anything and you’ll never see those abs!

The more meals you have, the more your body must use energy to burn it. It’s like a furnace. You will RAISE your metabolism simply by eating more frequently.

You see if your nutrition isn’t nearly perfect, your body will always store some fat. And that fat will most likely be kept in the abdominal region. The only way to get to the sub-10% body fat region is with rock-solid nutrition. Countless people cannot do this. Their eating habits are never correct, they don’t track what they eat and they do not have the discipline necessary to eat correctly all of the time (with some cheat meals in there of course). The group of people who can do that are competitive bodybuilders.

Does this mean you can’t do it? Heck no! You just need to be acutely aware that having a ripped abdominal region is about a low percentage of body fat. To get that low, your nutrition needs to be impeccable. The more disciplined you are, the more fat you’ll burn and the more muscle you’ll keep. The lower your body fat becomes, the more your abs will show.

It’s just that simple but it’s not that easy. In the next few steps, you are going to learn exactly what you need to do in order to turn your body into a fat burning machine.

Step 1: Calculate How Many Calories a Day You Need to Lose Fat

Listen, figuring out how many calories a day you need to lose weight really isn’t too hard. And with the formula I’m about to give you plus a very cool website, you can easily track where you are and what you need to do daily to reach your goals. So lets’ begin!


Step 1:

Take your current body weight in pounds (lbs) and multiply by 11.

Example: 194 lbs x 11 = 2134 calories This is what I need to just keep what I have, without moving. But remember, you do move. So you have to then calculate your metabolic factors into this… so off to step 2...

Step 2:

Figure out your metabolic factor according to the table below.

But first, some definitions to help you determine where you might fit in:

Slow Metabolism: You basically look at food and you seem to put on pounds. You can gain weight by eating salads but it’s difficult to lose the weight.

Moderator Metabolism: You can gain weight if you try. You can lose weight if you try. You really don’t have trouble losing weight depending on what you want to do.

Fast Metabolism: You are the skinny guy or gal who can eat *ANYTHING* and it makes no difference. Gaining weight is difficult. Losing weight can happen overnight. Just by watching T.V. you seem to shed pounds.

Metabolic %

Under 30 years old Slow Metabolism- 30% Moderate Metabolism- 40% Fast Metabolism- 50%

30-40 years old Slow Metabolism- 25% Moderate Metabolism- 35% Fast Metabolism- 45%

Over 40 years old Slow Metabolism- 20% Moderate Metabolism- 30% Fast Metabolism- 40%

Example: 2134 calories x 35% (33 years old and with moderate metabolism) = 746.90

I took my calories needed above just to sit here and not move and multiplied it by my metabolic factor and I find that I need an additional 746.90 calories because of my specific metabolism.

Step 3:

Put it together. 2134 + 746.90 = 2880.90 calories I need 2,880.90 calories to maintain my current weight with my current activities.

Note: You can also adjust your metabolic factor if you do something that might take you to the next level. If you are a moderator metabolism person but you do distance running, it might make more sense to put your self in the fast category since you burn a lot more calories.

Step 4:

Lose Weight: I would take 2880.90 – 500 = 2380.90

Note: 500 calories a day is just a general term everybody uses to say that adding this amount is within safe limits. Eat too much, and you end up storing fat. Cut too many calories and your body just goes into starvation mode and ends up retaining more fat. 500 is a safe, recommended guideline. You can also eat 15-20% below your maintenance calorie levels to get a more accurate and aggressive plan. Avoid eating below 20% for very long as your body’s will start to slow down.

Step 5:

You must track what you are eating so you’ll know if you’ve made your goal for the day. And tracking food does not have to be complicated with weights and scales.

It's a shame that so many people just start training and never figure out what they need to eat daily to reach their goals.

You can keep doing the math over and over as you reach a goal.

Step 2: Calculate How Much Protein You Need a Day to Keep Muscle

Often overlooked, protein is the key component to building muscle but keep in mind; it’s also the same fundamental that will help you keep muscle. What this means to you is that if you get enough protein during this ‘cutting’ phase, you’ll burn more fat and keep more muscle. You want to keep as much muscle as possible because you want those abs to show.

As discussed before, having a low body fat percentage is core to the ripped effect but having abs to show is common sense. Protein has many functions that you’ve learned about in the Beginner’s Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding, one of which is to help promote and maintain muscle.

Step 1:

Take your body weight in pounds Example: 194 lbs

Step 2:

Find your body fat % Example: 15.7% (which is .157 for the step below)

Step 3:

Take your body weight in pounds and subtract the % body fat Example: 194 lbs - (194 x .157 = 30.45 lbs of fat) = 163.54 lbs of lean body weight

Step 4:

Take your lean body weight and multiply by 1.14 Example: 163.54 lbs x 1.14 = 186.4g of protein a day

Step 5:

Divide your daily protein requirements by 5-6 meals and that is what your protein target is for each meal. Example: 186.4/6 meals = 31.07g of protein per meal As you will see, a person who is 286 lbs of lean body weight will require a lot more protein. And a person who is 286 lbs should not be consuming the same amount of protein if their percentage of body fat is 35%. But why use 1.14 for protein requirements?

The RDA recommends .75g of protein. But that's been shown to be too low for active athletes.

Some sites will recommend 2.0g of protein. But that seems a bit high and your body will have trouble absorbing that not to mention you will probably have a lot of excess calories which can lead to fat gains.

1.14-1.5 is the most efficient range for most active, healthy adults. This range will help build muscle but not lead you into a high protein diet. Feel free to adjust within that range if you feel you need more protein.

Step 3: Divide Up the Calories in 5-7 Meals Per Day (Ratios)

At this point you know how many calories a day you need to burn fat and how much protein you need to maintain the muscle. Your goal is to burn fat, not lose weight and certainly not lose muscle! What’s next?

Just divide up your daily calorie requirements by 5-7 meals a day in order to determine the calories per meal and your protein goals.

That might seem like a difficult tasks but once you start using some type of fitness tracking program (like FitDay) it becomes very easy to hit your targets and understand portion control.

If you don’t track what you are eating, then dividing this up will be nearly impossible unless you eat the same things every single day (boring).

There’s nothing fancy to this step.

Preparation Ideas:

* Grocery shop for the entire week so you have an ample supply of food

* Prepare things in bulk so putting together meals is quick and easy

* Use Tupperware as it’s easy to clean and easy to control portions

* Use the grocery list from the Beginner’s Guide to pick and choose foods that are proteins, carbohydrates and good fats

Step 4: Review the Nutritional Fundamentals

On page 68 of the Beginner’s Guide there are some nutritional fundamentals that you must master overall in order to get your nutrition dialed in and it working for you. When you turn your body into a fat burning furnace you need to review these key concepts.

* Eat about 15-20% below your calorie maintenance level. If you use a more aggressive calorie deficit, then do not keep calories too low for too long; increase calories to maintenance or maintenance +10-20% 1-2 days per week. * Getting your ratios correct (50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fats) * Eating 5-7 meals per day * Having a lean protein source with every meal * Getting the good fats and avoiding the bad fats * Drinking enough water * Eating as many natural and unrefined foods as possible * Keeping your total fats and saturated fats low. A little bit of good fats (seeds, flax, fish) is better than a no fat diet.

Stay tuned for Part 3 that will discuss Ab training and the question that everybody wants to know - How Many Times Per Week to Train Abs?

If you can't wait, the Beginner's Guide to Abdominal Training is just one bonus book in the Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding

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The Most Common Myths about Abs

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Myth 1

Abdominal muscle is different from regular muscle.

Your abdominal muscles are just like every other muscle in your body. The abdominal is different only in location and unlike biceps or quads they don’t rest on a bony surface. So you should train them the same way you would train, say, your biceps or your chest. The basic laws of physiology apply to all your muscles, including your abs. This means that you have to do exercises in the correct plane of movement to effectively work the muscle.

Myth 2

You have to train your abs everyday.

The rules of weight training state that you should give your muscles at least, a day of rest to recover and this applies to your abs as well. Instead of working your back everyday, do them every other day or even just three times a week. They need a break just like the rest of your body. The trick is to train them hard.

Myth 3

Doing ab exercises gets rid of abdominal fat.

There is no such thing as spot reduction. People assume that if you have fat deposits on your abdominal, exercising the muscles underlying the fat will make it go away. But they assume wrong. You can’t get rid of the fat over a muscle by repeatedly exercising that body part. The only way to burn fat from your tummy is through prolonged exercise and a healthy, low calorie diet.

Myth 4

High repetitions are required to make gains.

As you’ve read earlier, abs are just like every other muscle in your body. That means, you should train your abs the same way as the rest of your muscle groups. To make strength gains with your abs, you have to overload your muscles.

Myth 5

Anyone can have a flat stomach.

For many people it’s not physiologically possible to achieve a flat stomach. In most of us the abdominal muscles are designed to be somewhat rounded, not flat. Age, genetics, gender all these factors decide the size, shape and appearance of you belly.

Myth 6

If you have a bad back, training the abs will worsen it.

Training your abs will strengthen you back. The opposing muscles in you body always assist each other. So if you have weak ab muscles, the load of the work falls on the back. So strengthen the abs and your back will become stronger as well.

Don’t waste time by falling victim to six main ab myths. Train intelligently in accordance with scientifically based training techniques and get super abs.

Indy Stewart also writes on how to Abdominal Workouts. More info:

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Does Spot Reduction Work for Abs or Doesn’t?

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Burning fat from the abdomen through exercises specially destined to the abdominal muscles was, is and will always be one of the most resistant myths.

Almost all the people with a big belly take up, with a lot of determination, sit-ups, crunches, side-bends, twists, etc., hoping that every new series or set of exercises, every session of repeating them, will help them get rid of the 'ring' of adipose tissue around their waist, also called 'the ring of death'.

Besides the fact that it is probably the most anesthetic 'deposit' of adipose tissue, abdominal fat involves many risks for the health of the person which possesses it (related to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardio-vascular diseases, cancer, impotence, etc.).

We must keep in mind, once and for all, that when we refer to the melting of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, there is no spot reduction. No matter how much we strive to locate effort in the areas we are focused on, we will only fortify the muscles under the fat, but the reduction of the fat itself will be insignificant. The explanation is simple and is connected to the energetic support of the anaerobic effort, which uses, for the exercises, muscular and hepatic glycogen, and not fat acids from the adipose tissue. For getting to the deposits of fat, what we need is cardio training (running, biking, fast walking, swimming, etc.).This type of exercises must be maintained for a long time (45-60 minutes) and they must be intense (60-70% from the maximum of heart rhythm).

An alternative is cardio training with periods when intensity varies, although the total volume is not smaller than in the case of uniformly cardio training.

A very important role in burning fat is held by the diet. It is said that the most effective of training can be sabotaged in the kitchen.

The nutritionists say that a diet which maintains caloric deficit, but keeps a balanced proportion of the basic principles (proteins, lipids, blood sugar), with a slight increase of the protein part, will always have as a consequence losing weight. Physical exercises like sit-ups, crunches, etc., without other exercises meant to involve bigger groups of muscles (thighs, chest, back) and to fortify the abdominal muscles, do not increase very much the basic metabolic rate.

As a consequence, indirect burning of calories (during breaks, post-training) is very small in comparison with the burning due to aerobic effort (especially the ones with alternative periods) – in their case, during effort taking more than 20 minutes, the energetic support is exactly the adipose tissue.

The magic formula for burning abdominal fat is a combination of hypo caloric diet and exercise – especially aerobic, but also anaerobic (focused on all the body, not only the abdominal muscles).

Isabel Curini is a fitness trainer and editor at - Health, Fitness, Body Building, Weight Loss, Nutrition - Articles and Resources. is dedicated to providing high-quality, free advices, tips and resources on health, fitness, body building, supplements, nutrition, weight loss, beauty, massage, acne, medicine, depression, massage.

This article may be reprinted or published without the author's consent as long as the "About" and "weblinks" are kept intact and active.

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The Quick and Easy Way to Tone Up Your Abs - Part 1 All About Abs

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What You Really Need to Know About Abdominals: Two Key Concepts You Must Meet to Let Out the 6 Pack

Introduction - Understanding the Abdominals


You are about to learn about a region of the body that almost everybody wants but somehow the secrets escape them. The weight loss industry may be a billion dollar a year market but a close second is all the late night infomercials about abs, 6 packs, 6 second abs and how to get ready for the beach and show off that region.

When it comes to abdominal training there are two basic areas of confusion. First, the myth exists that a 'specific' region exists like the 'lower abdominals.' Many people will claim their upper ab region is developing just fine but the lower abs are not responding to training. They are looking for a magic lower ab exercise that will target that region. If you do a search for any muscular images of the abdominals, it's clear that the rectus abdominus (a long winded name for the abs) is just a single muscle running from the sternum to the pelvis. These 'lower abdominals' simply don't exist.

The reason the lower region seems to be less responsive to training is that it is a natural fat storage area! Simply put, your entire ab region is probably responding to overall training but the lower region is simply not showing because it is covered up by a layer of fat. That area just happens to be the place that fat is the last to go. Very simply, the lower abdominal area is benefiting from your crunches and reverse crunches. The problem is, you just can't see it!

TEST: If you don't believe this then try this simple test: lie down on the floor in a typical crunch position. Place one hand on your lower abdominal area and the other on your upper abdominal area. Now perform a slowing crunching movement. You will feel both areas contract simultaneously as you curl up.

The second area of confusion revolves around exercise selection. Almost everybody still continues to perform hanging leg raises, knee-ups or similar exercises in an attempt to target the 'lower abs.' While these exercises do affect the abdominal area, they are not the best selection.

It's easy to clear up this exercise selection confusion if you understand the differences between the hip-flexion and trunk-flexion. A muscle called the psoas and related muscles (this is located deep against the spine) are responsible for hip-flexion while your abdominals are responsible for trunk-flexion.

Hip Flexion: Occurs when your lift your knee (or knees) towards your chest. For example, when you do a hanging knee-up, you will feel a burning sensation in the lower abdominal region (this alone convinces most people it's working that area). What is actually happening is the psoas is being stressed. You'll never be lean enough to see this muscle! Of course the abdominals are involved in this exercise for stabilization but it's not the primary muscle and so it's not the most effective. Other concerns revolve around the psoas being overworked that can lead to back problems.

Trunk Flexion: Occurs when you perform an exercise where the pelvis and sternum approach each other during the movement. At this point, you are in a state of maximal trunk flexion. Going any further and you'll engage the psoas muscle and you will be using hip-flexion (like in a full sit-up). When you train your abdominals you need to flex (or contact) your trunk.

FACT: For effective abdominal training, stick with trunk flexion movements (crunches and reverse crunches).

This series will focus on trunk flexion exercises so that tension is directly on the abdominals as that is the primary muscle we want to work. [Other muscles involved in stabilization will be involved but will not be the primary focus.]

That's all! The abdominals are just a muscle like everything else. There's nothing special about them that makes them any harder to obtain or develop then any other muscle group. Still, there are thousands of messages on community forums and fitness gurus everywhere get hundreds of messages a day regarding this. Not to mention the countless ab technology products that appear in stores every year promising a faster, easier way to get ripped abs. The purpose of this report is to tell you exactly step-by- step what you need to do to get ripped abdominals.

The Myths of Ripped Abdominals: - Countless crunches - Working them out every day - Strange machines or dangerous exercises - Fad diets - Fat burner pills - Marathon cardio sessions - Targeting lower and upper regions

The Secret of Ripped Abdominals: - Low percentage of body fat - Having the muscle to show

Did I just blow the end of the story for you? Hopefully not.

Key Concept #1: You Must Have a Low Percentage of Body Fat For starters, if you have a layer of body fat covering the region, you will never be able to show the abs. For men, this is the LAST place the fat will disappear from which makes it the hardest body part to show.

You "get abs" from reducing your body fat and you reduce body fat mostly through diet and cardio..

And yet, somehow this concept escapes people. In order for the abs to show proudly, you must have a low percentage of body fat! There's really not a whole lot more to it.

Men: 10% or lower Women: 15% or lower

Why is that so difficult for most people?

Simple. In order to get your body fat that low you must be absolutely focused on your diet and fat burning metabolism. 99% of people (including myself) are not as perfect on the diet as to burn off our natural body fat stores. So in order to get rid of that last layer, you must burn off the last remaining body fat stores. And to do that you must have great nutrition habits (above and beyond just being active).

Key Concept #2: You Must Have Abs to Show

First off...

If you are 110 lbs and just skin and bones and 3% body fat but no muscle really, then it's not a surprise why your abs aren't popping out every time you take off your shirt. There are a few people I've run across that are well below the 10% body fat limit and yet they are puzzled when their abdominals don't show. That's almost as easy as 1+1. You MUST have abs to show!

You can have a low body fat percentage but if you don't have anything to show, you'll just see a flat stomach (which is good) but no definition and certain no 'packs.' There are also individuals who have 15% body fat but their abs are so developed they can show off a 4-pack. While they don't have that low of a body fat percentage to classify as 'ripped' they do have great development and certainly the muscle is there. Just think what it might look like on them if they were to be 10% or lower?!

That's where ab exercises come into play. Performing key abdominal exercises is a key to developing the trunk region to the fullest. Many people are looking for the illusive lower ab exercise or performing exercises they believe to target a certain region but are really working the wrong muscle. Having abs is as simple as doing the right core exercises. That will be part of the 6 months of ab training at the end of this series.

Now that you understand some key concepts in order to get the abs to show, let's figure out how to eliminate that annoying layer of fat around them.

Stay tuned for Part 2 that will discuss why nutrition is 90% or More of Your Success.

If you can't wait, the Beginner's Guide to Abdominal Training is just one bonus book in the Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding

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The Truth About Six Pack Abs

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The majority of abs and weight loss books are such a waste of time. They come with the same information as other hundred books, it is really hard to find something that is worth spending money. I only read one of those books when someone I trust recommends it, and even there, I read them skeptically.

A couple of months ago, a friend invited me to read The Truth About Six Pack Abs, and I let it rest on my hard drive for two weeks. The I finally decided to give it a try, and I can't wait to share with you my conclusions. It's the best abs books I've read in a long time, probably the best of all times!

This really surprised me. After reading the sales page, I though it was "another abs book" with a long sales page and that (I don't really like long sales letters). But then I found out that he kept emphasizing what I consider important points, such as the myths, and the importance of the whole. That's what drew me to finally buy it after the recommendation.

This book is 100% useful information on how to train your abs. Besides the usual exercises, author Mike Geary also discusses important aspects of getting the six pack abs: diet and meal plans, along with strength training (which doesn't mean weight lifting)

Mike is a professional personal training with years of experience, that's why you get quality info. I also like that he stays in touch with customers, he even gives you his email and has newsletter with extra tips. To me that's very valuable because you know he's not in for a quick buck, like most of other book's authors.

Back to the book, it starts by giving us a our through our abs section. It is a great starting point to get to know the muscles involved in the exercises and how they all work together. Very basic, yet very useful.

Then he lists the best exercises for the abs, over 20 of 20 stomach exercises designed to give you that six pack of your dreams, all with color pictures and with its steps.

My favorite part of the book was where he listed the best exercises for your abs (over 20 of them) AND he provided clear, color pictures so you can actually see how to do them. These are exercises that you can do both in your gym or at home, and he also explores the best ways to work your abs with a fitness ball.

I recommend this book because it is the perfect way to complement your abs training with 10% reliable professional training info. It practically answers all your questions in a safe way! While I like to keep you up to date with routines and advice, Mike's book provides a perfectly structured and effective guide with all angles covered.

If you're a woman, you too can benefit form this book. As Mike says in the book, all can benefit by strengthening the abs, and this doesn't mean that you'll get big muscles in the stomach. Strength training is not the same as weigh lifting, and you can use the routines in the book to keep your stomach toned and firm.

Get the stomach you want with The Truth About Six Pack Abs

While you are there be sure to join our newsletter for tips and more product reviews

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What You Should Know About ABS and Why You Need It

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Anti-lock brakes are the most important active safety system available in an automobile today.

The History of ABS Like many things in the auto industry, ABS comes from the aviation industry. The first system available on cars was introduced by Bosch and equipped on the Mercedes-Benz S-Class in 1978. Over the last 2 decades, ABS has marched down market and is now available on virtually every vehicle sold in North America. Each successive generation has become more efficient and quicker to react in emergency situations.

How it works Speed sensors are located at each wheel. When these sensors 'sense' that a tire has stopped moving (the wheel is locked under braking) the sensor sends a message to the controller that in turn regulates the brake pressure to reduce lock-up. It 'pumps' the brakes over a dozen times per second by increasing brake pressure and reducing it, over and over again. Since the wheels are not locked up, a driver can swerve to avoid an obstacle while under hard braking.

Types of Anti-lock Braking Systems There are two system designs, four-wheel ABS and rear-wheel ABS. Rear-wheel systems were offered on pick-ups and some SUV's in the early and mid nineties. They only pumped the rear wheels.

Today it is difficult to find this system. Four-wheel ABS is now the mainstream. But there are two variations of four-wheel ABS. There are four-channel anti-lock braking systems and three-channel.

Both systems have speed sensors at each wheel but a three-channel system pumps the rear brakes at the same speed and the two front wheels pump individually.

A four-channel system pumps all four brakes individually as they may be on different surfaces such as ice, gravel, pavement or grass. A three-channel system is cheaper to produce and is typically offered on less expensive cars. The four-channel system is a better, more precise system, though a three channel system is still far better than no ABS at all.

The misconception ABS is not designed to reduce your vehicles braking distance. In fact depending on the road surface, it can slightly increase your braking distance. ABS is designed to give the driver full control in an emergency situation. Since the wheels won't lock, you have full control of steering so that you can avoid an obstacle. On slippery surfaces, ABS pays dividends as you can now steer away from an obstacle instead of sliding right into it.

Using ABS When ABS is automatically activated in an emergency braking situation it makes a sound and pulses through the brake pedal. This is normal. Do not pump the brakes. This will render the system useless and will cause dramatically increased braking distances. The system will do its job but you have to be confident and get on the brakes as hard as possible. Get on'em, and stay on'em!!

ABS pays for itself time and time again. Think about it. ABS costs about $500. How much does just a small fender bender cost? ABS pays for itself by helping you avoid an accident and it gives you piece of mind when driving on slippery surfaces.

Peter Johnson is the chief writer for For more automotive safety information click here

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Abs Myths

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Myth1 Abdominal exercises will remove fat in my midsection.
Fact: You need to remove excess fat around your stomach in order to see your abs. The only way your going to do this is with a low-calorie diet and a weight-resistance program while adding cardio exercise. Ab exercises will develop muscles, but they’ll still be under your fat.

Myth2 It takes hundreds of crunches to get ab muscles in shape.
Fact: Abdominal muscles are like any other muscle, they don’t respond to hundreds of repetitions. When you can easily do 15 reps of any ab exercise, you need to switch exercises or add resistance.

Myth3 You have to train your abs everyday if you want a six pack.
Fact: Ab muscles can be over-trained just like any other muscle. You need to give your six pack abs enough rest to recuperate. Over-training will result diminished gains and soreness.

Myth4 Men and women should train their abs differently.
Fact: Men and women all have muscle, which is trained the same way. If a woman wants a sexy midsection, then she’s going to eat correctly, follow a cardio program and train her abs the same way a man would.

Myth5 If I stop training my abs they’ll turn to fat.
Fact: Muscles don’t turn to fat. If you stay active and watch what you eat you’ll keep your abs even if you stop training. But if you stop exercising and start eating junk, your abs will disappear.

The author is from

Resource about six-pack abdominals. Includes stomach exercises, abs diet, low fat recipes, weight loss tips, fitness models and free e-mail support.

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Discover the Secrets of Using An Abdominal Exercise Machine for Sexy, Scuplted Abs

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When it comes to fitness and exercise equipment, there are a lot of different options to choose from. This is especially true when talking about an abdominal exercise machine.

After all, the abs are the one thing everyone wants to improve upon. For guys, it's the six-pack, and for women, it's a flat, toned and tight tummy. And most people feel that if they can get a flat stomach, all the other areas of their body will follow.

So we're bombarded with infomercials that focus on the be all end all wonderous inovation of their latest and greatest abdominal exercise machine. If you just get that one machine, then you're all set!

Six pack abs, here we come! Yes, there was a little bit of sarcasm in that last part. After all, if it were that easy, if we just needed the latest, greatest abdominal exercise machine for great abs, we'd all have them by now. Instead, we seem to keep getting fatter. It doesn't really make any sense, does it?

Let me make a few points about ab exercise and getting a flat, lean, six-pack stomach.

Diet, weight training, and cardio play the biggest role in getting a flat stomach, not ab exercises or any one abdominal exercise machine.

Most ab exercise equipment is pure junk.

Most people go about training their abdominal muscles in the wrong way.

With that being said, let's look at what you can do to train your abs the right way, and what type of abdominal exercise machine can help you do it better, faster, and in more comfort.

Let's address point one above. Many ab machine advertisers, especially on infomercials, will lead you to believe that working on their adbominal exercise equipment will lead to weight loss and fat reduction, especially in the region of the abs, ie, getting rid of the bulging belly. This is incorrect on multiple points.

First, working your abs, especially on those '6 minutes to great abs' routines, burns very few calories. Second, you can't spot reduce, which is the outdated idea that you will lose fat directly from the area that you exercise.

In fact, your fat goes on based on your genetics, and this is also the way it comes off, and usually in the reverse order. And the abs is usually the last place fat loss occurs. You'll see it on your hands, face, neck, etc. first, before your stomach.

A quality abdominal exercise machine will strengthen your abdominal muscles, which will lead to a leaner, more toned stomach. But understand this - you won't see that leaner toned stomach, until you remove the fat that is covering up your abs!

Have you seen a relatively flat stomach on someone but it's not firm or toned? This is most likely because they don't work their ab muscles, so their abs aren't developed enough to give a tigher, leaner look to the stomach.

So it's very important to work your abs. But keep in mind the points being made here, that you need an overall fat loss, exercise, and nutrition program to lose the fat covering your abs so people can see the tight sexy stomach you've developed on your abdominal exercise machine.

A great thing about a good ab machine is that it will keep you working your abs. Let's face it, ab training is boring and doing conventional ab exercises like floor crunches, sit ups, leg raises and reverse lying crunches can be very uncomfortable, if not downright painful, and a lot of people develop neck problems. An abdominal exercise machine plays an important role in avoiding these issues.

If you keep this in mind, you'll know what to expect from ab exercise and abdominal machines. This way, you'll keep using it as part of an overall muscle building, fat loss program, instead of letting the machine gather dust because you didn't lose your stomach fat from working your abs six minutes a day.

Gregg Gillies is the founder of His articles have appeared in Ironman Magazine. He has written two books and is a regular contributor to Body Talk Magazine. He publishes a free fitness newsletter available at his site that includes lots of weight training tips, fat loss, nutrition and exercise program information to help you build your best body as quickly as possible. check it out at Build Muscle and Lose Fat and see how you can get a customized nutrition plan at

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