Debunking The Myths And Revealing The TRUTH On How To Create Toned And Defined Abs!
Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method
>> Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<
There’s a reason why you’re reading these words right now. My bet is that you’re hoping to get the TRUTH on how to sculpt toned and defined abdominals.
Am I right?
That’s what I thought.
I’m also going to put a wager on my belief that you’re seeking the absolute best results possible in the shortest amount of time… and the easier the better.
I’m on a roll, aren’t I?
Well, before I explain how to unveil your best abs in 12-weeks or less… I must first ‘point my finger’ at the TOP 3 myths associated with your abdominals, in order to erase any false belief systems that are imprisoned within your mind that can only hold you back from the ‘eight-pack’ you desire and deserve!
Myth #1: By performing abdominal crunches you’ll lose body fat in that area alone.
When you perform any exercise for your abs what you’re actually doing is disrupting the muscle fiber… breaking it apart.
Then, assuming the intensity of the workout was high enough and after allowing the appropriate amount of rest… your hidden ‘eight-pack’ of abs becomes a little bit stronger and harder.
A percentage of the calories you burn during the workout and for several hours afterwards will come from fat that’s stored within your body, but you absolutely have no way of knowing exactly where that fat is going to escape from… nor can you control the process… and you won’t lose body fat in the abdominal area alone.
Too bad!
Allow me to explain… there are unwanted but necessary compartments all over your body that excess fat enters for storage purposes. When there's a need to release a certain amount of fat for your energy demands then your mind instructs the body fat to come off from wherever it sees fit.
Unfortunately 9 times out of 10, the most stubborn areas (one being your stomach) is the first place that fat runs to and the last place it likes to walk away from.
However, if you’re consistent and force your abs to become stronger and firmer on a regular basis by working out on a progressive program (a full body program that includes abdominal training), while also eating properly… then you definitely won’t be upset as the layer of fat resting between your slabs of abs and skin will shrink, becoming thinner and your once hidden ‘eight-pack’ will shine through!
Myth #2: To get the best possible results from your abdominal workout it’s crucial to perform at least 50 repetitions in a set.
I’m not sure when or why this myth broke into the minds of many fitness enthusiasts. Perhaps it’s just become accepted over time that in order to develop a sliced and diced waistline it’s imperative to literally burn-out by performing endless reps and sets of abdominal work.
My friend, nothing could be further from the truth!
A question for you;
When you train your chest, do you perform 50 to 100 reps in a set?
My guess is no.
So, it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to grind out absurdly high reps for your abs since this muscle group contains a high percentage of what we Fitness Guru’s call ‘fast twitch’ muscle fiber.
It’s predominantly this type of muscle that makes up your back, chest, shoulders and arms as well.
Consequently, this fast twitch muscle fiber becomes stronger and firmer most effectively when stimulated with lower reps (12 - 20) and at a much higher level of intensity, rather than the alternative.
Myth #3: Dieting is the fastest and most effective way to increase abdominal definition.
You can definitely lose the stomach bulge in a hurry on a diet! For when you drop your food intake quickly and drastically your body doesn’t have a choice but to lose fat from all over, including your abs.
But as you lose the fat… may I ask what you could be sacrificing?
How about muscle?
Actually, almost an equal part of muscle to fat!
That isn’t good news as when the protein (muscle) is eaten away within your body for the needed energy requirements due to a lack of other essential nutrients, the condition causes you to become less active and as a result your metabolism slows down, which makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible for you to keep the fat off your stomach.
There’s always a catch, isn’t there?
You’ll also lose shape, strength and a healthy appearance in the process… it doesn’t even matter how result-oriented your abdominal workouts are - your abs won’t get stronger and firmer, it just won’t happen!
I won’t even get into the strict lifestyle that would make you a completely miserable person if you had to stick with a super-low calorie consumption for years.
Instead, here are the TOP 3 tips on how to eat right for MAXIMUM fat loss results that will allow you to create toned and defined abs in 12-weeks or less!
Tip #1: Eat 5 to 6 small and balanced meals a day.
By eating 5 to 6 small and balanced meals daily you'll lose excess body fat, improve your energy levels and will experience less cravings throughout the day. This is a result of your accelerated metabolism, which allows you to burn more calories than usual and also from giving your body just what it needs in terms of food, instead of too much.
It doesn't matter if you're eating an overdose of fat or carbohydrates, most of the extra calories that your body doesn't require for immediate and stored energy will instead get deposited as body fat and there’s a good chance it may choose your stomach as a home!
Here’s the facts… if you're only eating 1-3 meals a day, you’re going for some time without food and your mind actually believes that your body is starving! So, the last thing your body is instructed to do in a case like that is to release fat. Instead, it hangs onto it for dear life to protect itself.
If you happen to find it time consuming... difficult and expensive to eat more meals than you're used to, then take a supplement. For example, soy or whey protein shakes count as a meal. They're tasty, convenient, inexpensive and supply a high quality of protein that your body just loves!
Tip #2: Only eat lower glycemic foods in the evening hours.
By avoiding the higher glycemic foods in the evening, such as; pasta, potatoes, bread, rice and fruit and instead eating lower glycemic choices, such as; veggies, lentils, beans and salads… you’ll feel less sluggish and bloated, while also becoming more energetic.
Not only that but you’ll lose more unwanted fat off your abs. Let’s not forget about that!
You see… higher glycemic foods; see…are normally calorie-dense in nature and your body breaks them down quite rapidly into sugar for your energy purposes. Later on in the day when you’re not as active, it’s safe to say that your body doesn’t need this rapid burst of energy.
So, the extra carbohydrates (glucose) enters your body fat storage compartments instead of getting used for your daily activities.
Furthermore, the higher glycemic foods cause the sugar in your blood stream to rise quickly and drop suddenly, which creates that sluggish and bloated condition. I’m sure that’s not how you’d like to feel!
Tip #3: Minimize your alcohol, pop, candy, hydrogenated and saturated fat intake.
By minimizing your intake of alcohol, pop, candy, hydrogenated (margarine, deep fried foods) and saturated (butter, fatty animal meats) fats you’ll love how your stomach will become tighter and harder in such a short period of time!
More of the good fats such as olive, flax and canola oil will help to increase your energy and improve the condition of your eyes, hair and skin without causing you to gain body fat.
It’s so much easier getting at sugary foods and the bad fats nowadays, isn’t it? Thanks to the media, fast food explosion and your local corner store. There are some sneaky ways to find and fit the good fats in, though. Try this!
When you cook, instead of greasing the pan with margarine or butter (bad), try adding olive or canola oil (good) as an alternative. When you snack, go nuts! No, not crazy… eat a variety of nuts that contain good fats, instead of Twinkies and donuts.
Rich Tweten is a certified personal trainer of over the past 10 years, and author of ‘No FAT Lies: The Absolute TRUTH on How to Lose Stubborn Fat for Life’. For more information about his book-based program, cutting-edge online personal training website and to get your free e-course, visit:
If you live in the Vancouver, Canada area then feel free to contact him for more information about his personal training services by visiting
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