Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs
Unless You Know These Strategies <<
Nowadays everyone wants abs of steel.
Having abs of steel shows that you are the pinnacle of being hot and sexy.
The problem is, the vast majority of people have no idea how to get abs of steel. They try to do it by doing hundreds of crunches and crash dieting. Unfortunately, this common approach to getting abs of steel is not very effective and may even end up sabotaging your efforts!
Whether you are an advanced bodybuilder or haven't exercised in years, the follow guidelines always have and always will be at the forefront of losing body fat and getting the abs of steel that the opposite sex loves.
Top 3 Tips to get Abs of Steel
1. Nutrition is King
That's right. In order to get abs of steel, you absolutely must follow the right nutrition guidelines.
These techniques are actually very simple and straightforward. The problem is that most people are on information overload to the point that they are just downright confused about what works.
If you want to get abs of steel, you need to have a certain type of diet. I am not an RD so I will not try to tell you what is best for your individual body, but I can tell you the basics that all the rest will stem from.
Here we go.
Create a defecit in the number of calories you consume.
This is very a very specific tactic that you must use. If you want to lose body fat, you need to take in less calories. This is an aspect of getting abs of steel that will help you really carve out the midsection.
But taking in less overall calories is not enough. You need to take in less overall calories while eating right foods at the right time. That is so important it needs to be repeated:
You need to take in less overall calories while eating right foods at the right time.
By eating the right foods, you are going to store less calories as body fat and start to see those abs of steel take shape. By cutting down on high glycemic "bad carbs", your blood sugar will stay more regulated. When you eat a big meal of bad carbs, your blood sugar spikes very high. Then, your body releases more insulin to store the excess blood sugar as body fat.
You want to avoid the bad carbs and instead consume more high quality protein (chicken, tuna, turkey, etc.), more complex carbs (wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice), and consume more healthy fats (usually omega 3 fatty acids found in fish).
This is the staple of having the proper nutrition to get abs of steel!
2. Lose body fat by total body strength training.
When most people try to get abs of steel they try do just do tons of crunches.
The truth is that in order to get abs of steel, you need to lower your body fat percentage. Nutrition is one half, and exercise is the other half.
To lose body fat and get abs of steel through exercise, you want to increase your active and resting metabolism. You can do this by adding muscle mass and high intensity cardio.
The best way to add muscle mass to burn fat is by doing total body strength training workouts 2-3 times per week in a circuit training format. This format will help you get abs of steel because you will work more overall muscle, which will increase your metabolism.
High intensity cardio has the same effect. If you try doing 2 minutes slow and 1 minute fast on a cardio machine, you are doing what is called interval training. This is excellent for burning calories, raising your metabolism, and for losing fat to get those abs of steel!
So as you can see the best combination of getting abs of steel comes from having the right nutrition and exercise program, not by crash dieting and doing lots of crunches.
Check out the link below for more great information on how to get abs of steel.
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For a FREE 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Permanently, go to Abs of Steel and learn some killer fat loss tips.
Tom is also the author of http://www.ScamFreeFatLossProducts.com, where he offers independent reviews of high quality fat loss products.
Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks
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