Six Pack ABS Exercises

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to Burn the Fat and Expose your Abs

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


Getting ripped or even just a slightly defined six-pack isn't in any way easy. It takes a lot of work, and I don't just mean sit ups. There is a lot more work that has to be done in order to get those body builder abs.

It is a major miss-conception that doing x amount of sit-ups will give you a nice symmetrical bundle of bumps on your stomach. If you did just do sit ups you would more likely have strong abdominal muscles hidden under a single large flabby bump on your stomach and that is not a muscle I'm talking about. You could have the strongest abdominal muscles in the world and if there was fat on them then it still wouldn't show.

To carve out those abs like a Greek sculpture you must first carve the fat away from your belly so that those glorious bumps can surface and expose themselves like a dolphin breaking the water. However, losing weight is not easy and it is more difficult depending on your body type. For example if you have a body type that gains weight easily (endomorph) then you will have more trouble burning the fat than someone who loses weight easily (ectomorph). However, despite the body type differences the methods are still the same.

To burn that fat away you have to do cardio exercises. By this I mean you have to do exercises such as running, swimming and cycling. Lifting weights and doing sit-ups won't help you lose weight at all. They are muscle-building exercises. It's as simple as that. You have to either run, swim, cycle or do other cardio exercises to burn the fat. Once you have lost the fat maybe then you can think about building your abs up to Grand Canyon size.

Unfortunately the above methods of losing weight are more difficult than they sound. Cardio exercises aren't easy and it does take a lot of work. However don't let this put you off because, despite it's difficulty it’s still the best way to lose weight.

Some people might be thinking, "No that’s to hard I'll just stick to the low calorie diet to lose weight." If you are thinking this then be careful because you are walking into a trap. Diets are not easy either and they can have some bad after effects. Chances are that with a low calorie diet you will totally wreck your metabolism making you so much more susceptible to gaining weight after you have lost it. Not to mention that starving yourself to lose weight isn't exactly fun either.

I'm not saying go on, "blood, sweat and tears," runs everyday when you come home from work. You can easily just go for a light jog or a run, if you're more confident, to pick up bread and milk for tomorrow’s breakfast. In general just try to be more active and less passive, sitting in the same chair watching TV everyday. You can let your abs show through the fat with just a little bit of self-control and determination.

Truth' Lies & Weight Loss is my blog where I focus on many weight loss and muscle gain issues. It is regularly updated with new blogs

Check out Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle to see were I got my inspiration for writing weight loss and muscle gain articles

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