Six Pack ABS Exercises

Monday, March 3, 2008

Dream of Great Abs? Add These Tips To Your Weight Control Plan

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


>>  Be Sure That You Will Never Get Six Pack Abs Unless You Know These Strategies <<


How many of people, not just those of us overweight, have dreamed of a "six pack" of abs? How many of you women have dreamed of having a stomach so flat and hard you would bounce a quarter off of it?

Judging by the number of “Rock Hard Abs” books and video’s out there, I’d say most of us dream of those abs!

Truth is, there is no “Silver Bullet” or “Magic Pill” for those kind of abs. It takes hard work and the right nutrition to produce abs that will turn heads.

Here are a few quick tips you can concentrate on while working your midsection out.

Don’t forget breakfast:

Why so many people skip breakfast is a puzzling to me. A good breakfast will help jumpstart your metabolism and give you energy to attack the day. Ramp up your metabolism to help burn all fat, not just the fat around your midsection. Go easy on the carbs such as breads and cereals. Mix your carbs with a good source of protein, you’re abs are growing muscles and muscles need protein.

Mind you Mother, Eat your Fruits and Vegetables!

Fruits and Vegetables such as citrus fruits and green vegetables such as broccoli have huge amounts of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is just one of the many helpful vitamins that you’ll get from fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C has been shown to help muscles repair damaged muscle fibers.

Specifically Work That Midsection!

While stretching and balancing routines due help strengthen your abs, you need to develop specific workout routines for your abs. Ask the personal trainer down at your Gym what exercises you can do to help you build up those abs. Some of the ab machines you see on TV actually do work, but you have to get up off the couch and use them. Best to stick to the Gym's free weight attachments until you get committed about chiseling your abs.

Feed the Abs

Small meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism going. Long gone are the days of eating 2 or 3 huge meals. Studies have show that smaller meals with smaller portions keep your metabolism going strong. When your metabolism is high, you feel like working out. Working the abs is the only way you’ll end up with a “six pack”!

Leave the Salt Alone

Salt stores water in your body. There are other negative aspects of too much salt. It’s a good idea to hide the salt shaker as many processed foods are loaded with salt (and sugar). As long as you’re drinking plenty of water and keeping your salt intake down, you body will most likely keep passing the water through your system, not storing it.

Watch the Fat

Let’s face it, we all know our bodies like to store fat at the midsection and on our thighs. You can work out 5 days a week like a banshee, but if your fat intake is through the roof, you can forget about the rock hard abs! Some fat is necessary for our bodies to function properly, just make sure you don’t go overboard. People who have low body fat find it easier to chisel abs (like you didn’t already know that).

The recommendations above are only a starting point if your goal is rock hard abs. The benefits you’ll discover along the way is that these same recommendations will also help you lose bulk in other areas of your body. Training your body to burn fat and build muscle is the first step on your journey to a healthier you. The abs will be a bonus!

Donald Lawson is the Webmaster at “The Biggest Loser Forums”. A website dedicated to the weight loss community. You can find other articles, weight loss tools and diet planning by going to The Biggest Loser Forums. While there, sign up to become a Charter member on the new Forums.

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