Six Pack ABS Exercises

Monday, March 24, 2008

What Are The Best Abs Workouts To Get That Sexy 6-Pack?

Daily 1000s Of Peoples Are Getting 6 Pack Abs From This Method


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These days most people start exercise programs to strengthen and tone up their abdominals. These muscles are very important for mobility and by strengthening them, you will also be able to improve posture and prevent back ailments. In fact, many people who visit the doctor with lower back problems are given abdominal exercises to help relieve the stress on the vertebrae on the spinal nerves. Bicycle Maneuver. Lie flat and press your lower back to the floor. With hands beside head, bring your knees to 45-degree angle & begin a pedal motion by touching opposite elbow to opposite knee, alternating each side.

2. Captain's Chair. Stand on chair and grip handholds to stabilize your upper body. Press your back against the pad and slowly lift knees towards your chest. Don't arch the back! Click here for picture.

3. Exercise Ball. Lie face-up on ball and either cross hands over chest or place them behind your head. Contract your abs and lift your torso slightly off the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage down toward your hips. For beginners, place the ball under the upper part of the back. For advanced, the ball should be under lower-mid back.

The most well known abdominal exercise is the sit up popularly know as the crunch. There are variations of this ab exercise such as the Twisting Sit up and the Roman Chair Sit up. Each exercise variation is aimed at strengthening and toning your different sections of your abdominal region such as the upper abs, lower abs and the obliques (love handles). Although most people don't realize it, exercising other parts of the body, such as doing leg raises also helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles. There are also many types of abdominal exercise equipment on the market to help you lose inches and tone your midsection.

You can go to a gym to do exercises, but much of the exercise equipment intended to help you strengthen your abdominal muscles is relatively inexpensive and you can use it at home. The pulley is one such piece of exercise equipment that is easy to use. All you have to do is attach it to a doorknob and pull each side in turn, this working your abs. Another piece of exercise equipment is the exercise ball. To use this ball, you sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Then you slowly slide until the ball is under your back and your body is parallel to the floor. Tighten the abdomen muscles and hold for the count of ten and then release. You can repeat this exercise 5 - 10 times when you first start. When these exercises seem too easy you should add different advanced exercises to take your ab workouts to the next level.

As with all abdominal exercises, you should start slowly and if you are using equipment make sure that it is safe and well maintained.

Check out for articles on ab machines review and used stairmasters

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